Sunday, October 20, 2024


      This week the CBC has started "in depth" coverage of the American election. Now I had over kill a couple of months ago with the American election. No offense intended about the election.

     Now CBC is our national station and presents much different programming than commercial stations. I listen to it all the time.

    So teams of broadcasters have been set up all over the main areas of the US to "give us the background" on what they think are key areas and  policies.

    With that, many of the usual programs are cancelled. 

    What I find particularly offensive is the handling of the truth by the political parties. Parties have always skillfully used slant to make their policies appealing. Now they just plain out lie about things. 

    I saw a picture of an interesting cap that said Make lying wrong again. Wouldn't that be great.

   However in a short time all the shenanigans of the last year will be over and the fight will begin as to who won. So apparently counting of votes doesn't show who wins. Some people think that people can't count and for sure machines can't count. 

   Machine counting is very easy and accurate. You take the ballots and records  to head quarters. There are a few checks and balances and then the ballots are put in the machine and the count is spit out. 

   So I will have to enjoy some more election time. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2024


           I don't think I would have much disagreement if I say that reading is a skill that all must have.  I taught at the middle school level and many think that the time to learn to read is long past. At that age each student has a different reading level. They have certain skills that are strong and missing or weak in other skills. 

        I learned how to administer one reading test. Mostly I tested the strategies kids. The strategies group activities  taught reading and the teacher wanted to know what areas needed work. 

       I think that all teachers and subject areas should make an effort to teach reading skills. 

      The odd kid in my school was a very avid reader and when the teacher wasn't looking they would read. I thought that for language arts if you let a kid read they would learn what was on the course of studies. Now the math teachers didn't like kids reading in their math class and it's true that kids wouldn't learn much math by reading. However , if I ask most adults today to divide fractions they are not able to do it. If I asked most adults to factor trinomials , they would look at me as if they had never heard about them. If I asked about grammar they would have very little idea. 

      So I'm getting to my point. I had one or two of those kids who wanted to read all the time. I let them. 

     Now one of these parents with a kid who always read came in for an interview. They were very concerned about this kid reading all the time. Other teachers had complained. I gave them my opinion that the kid would learn just as much from reading as following the class. It so happens that the Dad as our local MLA  (Member of the legislature) The Dad bought into this idea. But one look at Mom's face told me that she did not agree. A compromise was reached and I would make sure the kid followed the lesson. 

    For people who are avid readers life long learning happens for their  whole life. 

Monday, October 14, 2024


      For my last three years of teaching I had 37 students plus or minus two or three in my classes. I had only 34 desks as the room was too full with 37 desks. 

     Quite often, for the last period of the week I would have a 42 minute reading period and sometimes we did cross word puzzles. We did one puzzle as a class and the second puzzle they could find a partner and do the puzzle with someone. The crossword puzzles as a class were fun. I would say one across and someone would shout out an answer. This continued and then some little guy would get behind in filling in the answers and I would repeat the answers which added to the mayhem. 

   When all students were present I had to improvise for space. So kids could always sit on the back counter. They liked sitting at my desk. And sometimes kids would sit on the floor. I didn't use the desk during class time. I had a stool and lectern at the front of the room. 

    One day the principal came in the room. This was quite common. This time there were six or seven people who followed the principal. The Education minister was in town and requested a school tour.   The minister and his assistants were brought to our school. The Principal obliged and took them on a little school tour. Nothing was preplanned. They just went all over the place including my classroom. 

    So the kids were quiet and reading. One little guy was on the floor. Who did the minister decide to interact with but the little guy on the floor. The minister knelt down beside the kid and began to talk to the kid about his book. 

    The whole group breezed around the classroom for five or ten minutes and left. 

    The superintendent was the last to leave and quietly said to me, "He  didn't notice how crowded your classroom was."

Friday, October 11, 2024


     Two nights ago we had a frost which I thought was about minus 2 C. However, as the day went on there did not appear to be any plant damage. In fact. two little volunteer tomatoes were healthy.

    At this time of year there can be warmth from the ground so freezing does not occur close to the ground. 

    So a killing frost is one that severely damages annuals and perennials. Many annuals and perennials have ceased activity but with a killing frost damage is done to plant vessels and activity in the plant stops. 

   Now there are some perennials that are very hardy. Today , I did my last yard clean up. The plants were finished. The peonies were not active. The grass would be active if we had moisture. Irises and lilies have been dormant for a while.

    However, tonight we get a low of minus 5 C. That should cook everything. About 50% of leaves are on the trees so a heavy frost and the leaves drop very quickly.

    So gardening for 2024 is over. We just have some clean up left. 


Tuesday, October 8, 2024


     So the big number here is about age. I mentioned my brother's age and it's very senior although he might disagree with me.

    Coming to this age, there should be some very important decisions made. I can't make those decisions. 

    We've looked at five senior residences. There's a wide variety of accommodations and prices. We know the one we would chose and have given them our name. These are two bedroom with small living room and a few kitchen facilities but not enough to live there and do your own cooking. You eat at the facility. So for around $4000.00 a month you have your accommodation and food. There also could be some care.

     So what's my problem. I like my house and yard! I get pleasure out of growing a garden and watching other plants develop.

     Well, I have a second problem which is bigger than the first. We have a lot of "stuff". Some one is finding it very hard to part with the stuff. Over the years we've got rid of big stuff and lots of little stuff too but there's still an amazing amount here. So the longer we wait, the more likely the decision will be forced upon us. 

    So I'm not looking for advice. I know what to do but I have put some roadblocks in the way. 

    Meanwhile, life is good. 

Sunday, October 6, 2024


       Many times at this time of year I have commented that I'm an Irish twin. That means that my mother had 2 children within one year. So my brother was born 11 months and 2 weeks after I was born. Also my sister was born a year and three months after my brother. So my mom had three children and the oldest was two years and three months old. 

      So today is my brother' 84th birthday and I am still 84 but turning 85 in a couple of weeks. 

     It's my opinion, that Irish twins are more active and twin like than actual twins. We were very active and full of mischief. Since there were three of us , I think my brother and I had to learn to take care of ourselves and each other when we were very young. 

                                          I'm looking after Merce
First day of school for gr one and two.
                                   The three of two years and 3 months apart. 

     When my brother was young he was commonly called Merce. There are still a couple of people today who call him Merce . Where did that name come from? His brother (me) couldn't say Myrven. The closest I got was Merce and Merce stuck. 

     Our house was very small. The bedroom we had wasn't much bigger than the bed. We didn't have separate beds until we were 13 or 14. 

     Anyway this is a way to say happy brother to my Irish twin.

Thursday, October 3, 2024


      I looked out this morning and there were some bright fall colors. We've had high winds but the leaves didn't let go.