The local paper had a draw for some merchandise. Now you could put your name in a draw but, you had to answer 16 trivia questions about Christmas. Now the Micro manager started on the answers and by the third question , I heard my name called. Did I know the answer to question 3? Well I didn't know the answer but I offered to look it up on the Internet.
So much for question 3. I was called for question 5 and about nine others.
What were the questions? In "All I want for Christmas" what did Jen and Jo want? What brought Frosty to Life? You get the drift...trivia questions.
Now I've listened to and sung most these tunes for 70 - 75 years. You'd think I'd know the answers by now.
I stood and sang some of these songs at the college the night before when the local college had a sounds of the season event with their symphonic winds band and choral group.
I enjoy attending other Christmas events. We're going to the LDS church to see 300 different Creche sets. Most families bring their creche from home and put it on display in the hall. It's interesting to see such a wide variety. Some are wood or stone or ceramic or cloth or straw...or many other materials.
So I began to wonder the depth of my experience is with Christmas. How much ownership do I have in the Christmas festivities?
I think I'm going to up my Christmas game so that the next test that comes around, I will pass.