So yesterday I saw a hummingbird at my scarlet runner beans. It checked the red blooms for about 30 seconds and was gone.
Now , surprise , surprise. I saw a hummingbird this morning at the same scarlet runner beans for a full 2 seconds!
Now I'm sure more than one hummingbird visits my yard. I'm sure that I see only a small percentage of all birds that visit my yard. I know that other birders near me see lots of hummingbirds and have very active feeders.
I get envious when I see bloggers showing many hummingbirds at feeders. They show several hummingbirds at one time.
Now I like hummingbirds and would like to have more visit me.
There are four species of hummingbird that spend the breeding season in Alberta. Three of them spend their time in the Rockie Mountains. One , the Ruby-throated spends its summer in central Alberta.
The ruby-throated seems to be a tough little bird as it's sometimes seen at the end of September and beginning of October.
So if I want to see more hummingbirds I'm going to have to move somewhere else or be a very good boy.

Photo by Phil French