Sunday, August 25, 2024


      We paid our respects and final good byes to Ole this week. 

      I taught with Ole for at least 25 years. Every day he came to work and worked hard. He taught math and wanted every student to succeed to the best of their ability. 

     Ole was a very large gentle man who could occasionally get riled up when there was justification. He was patient for most of his life. 

     Stories about Ole would fill a book and Ole could tell stories that would fill a book.

    Ole remained single and had one brother who was married with children. Ole worshipped all of them. He took the whole family to tour Europe for 2 weeks. He took all of them to Hawaii and Disneyland.

    When we went on school retreats Ole would request me for a room mate before any planning was done. He said, "Red doesn't drink!" What he actually meant was Red doesn't party. 

     Ole was very active in the community and sports. It's cool that he was the PA announcer for the base ball club. When he was younger he played base ball and was a very competitive bowler. 

      Cool that the funeral celebrant had been a student of Ole's. 

       One time it was rumored that there would be a fight between some kids in our school and the next door school. The principal asked Ole and I to keep an eye on the yard and if anything happened we were to look after it. Kids did show up so out we went. Ole with his hands behind his back and a very gentle confident smile. We stood there and after a few minutes everybody went their own way and the excitement was over. I didn't do a thing but Ole did. 

     I will remember him and I can still hear his voice.