Thursday, March 20, 2025


     Time has been marching on to that time on the calendar that says it's spring. So there is a calendar spring and then there is the weather or climate spring. Whatever it is, spring starts on this date. 

     Here spring comes with some very changeable weather. We get most of our snow in March. We get our worst storms in March. The temperature can also be very pleasant. So depending on the time and weather, we aren't sure if we've got spring or not . And then who says if spring is a set time except for the calendar or a specific condition. 

    What I do know it that there has been a big change in the last three months. The sun shines for much longer in the day time. The sun's rays hit us more directly so we get much more energy from the sun. Today the sun rose at 7:36 AM and sets at 7:49 PM. We have a 12 hour 12 minute period of sun light. So where's this equal day and night thing? It's at the equator. 

   Just for comparison , on Dec 21 the sun rose at 8:42 Am and set at 4:24 Pm and we had 7 hours and 41 minutes of daylight. So the day is much longer. 

  We have very few plants awakening . The days lengthen very quickly with  much more energy from the sun so our plants develop very quickly when they start.

   So where ever you are enjoy the spring season.