Sunday, September 8, 2024


      I've been pleasantly surprised lately be some very mannerly kids. It takes kids a while to get their mannerly skills polished up. Some of them never make it. For that matter many adults do not have the mannerly skills when dealing with others. 

     A woman introduced one of her sons to me and he said, "Pleased to meet you Red." I was very pleased to hear his reply and wondered where it came from. I will find out.

   Last night an eight or nine year old girl road by me on her bike . She greeted me and then said, "Have a nice evening." It felt special and again I wondered what the parent had done so that this child was so mannerly. 

   Tonight I went to a bench to get something out of my shoe. An Asian kid was there and greeted me. As I went to leave he said, "Have a nice evening sir."

    These replies from young people impress me and I hope it's a sign that parents are teaching good behavior and manners. Kids with these skills have much more confidence in themselves and we have fewer problems in society.