Thursday, June 27, 2024


        I've been missing for a week. 

        Life has been active in other areas so my mind has been away from the blog. 

        First of all, two elderly people got a little mixed up in the date. We went to a lab appointment a day early. The lab was great and took us because  we were there. This mix up confused me for the rest of the week. I was always thinking a day ahead. Well, that worked itself out after a few days. 

      I had a problem with the sound on my computer. I use a speaker and sometimes ear phones. So I switch back and forth. I found that I couldn't switch back and forth unless I started the program over like messenger. My daughter kindly offered to help with the sound issue. I wanted to work with the issue and see what was wrong before I worked with my daughter. She kept pushing me to set a time. I wasn't ready to set a time. So this was another issue on my mind.

      Then 3 or 4 years ago an author contacted me about someone I taught with. The author  was writing a biography and trying to make a collection of the teacher's art and display it. The writer had lost all contact with the teacher . So last week I received a message from the writer. He had finished the first section of his story. I had totally forgotten about the writer and almost erased his message. 

    Instead I got to read part of his upcoming book and it was absolutely fascinating. It kept my attention for a few days. This time we exchanged lots of personal information. 

   It got me thinking about much more information. I have contacted other teachers who taught with the subject of the book. I even contacted a former student. 

   So my mind got carried away with other things.

   I find with the blog that I have to spend part of my time with my head on the blog. 

     However, we need a little excitement in our lives.