Saturday, February 22, 2025


     I recently wrote about the challenges of buying a computer monitor. The monitor I bought sometimes had green lines across the screen for a few minutes. I tried  another cord with blue ends and there were not green lines. Well, I was OK with that. 

     However, the micro manager wanted the proper cord that came with the monitor. The store said they couldn't give just a cord from another monitor. The whole monitor would have to be exchanged. So finally, we decided to exchange the first monitor so that we could get the proper cord that would work. 

     Sounds simple? Not quite to fast.

     They didn't have the same monitor for the exchange! They could get the same monitor in seven days but that means I would be without  a computer for seven days. So we decided to take a different model. So there I was setting up another monitor. Physically setting up the monitor was easy but it didn't come on. I knew that there had to be an on switch somewhere , but I couldn't see anything. There was a diagram showing a number of switches but I could not find them on the monitor.

    I finally found the switches. The switch indicators were very faint on the lower right front side. The actual switches were underneath the monitor, How dumb! The switches were black on a black background and very small. They are about 3 mm by 5 mm which is very small. Just imagine old fingers fumbling around to find these switches?

     So at least the cords work for this monitor. I hope it's the last monitor I'll ever need.