Sunday, September 11, 2022


      I do not have much interest in British royalty. I do not follow them. I could not tell you the names of the Queen's third and fourth children.

     I realize that our Canadian government is closely tied to the crown. If we wanted to leave the monarchy it would almost be impossible. All aboriginal treaties were made with the Queen. That's just a starter. The aboriginal people at one time were very  fond of the Queen. "The Great Mother promised to look after them". The Great Mother being Queen Victoria.

     You had to know about Queen Elizabeth the second. She was popular, well known and made a good connection with people. She worked hard. 

      Now my Mother was very interested in British royalty. In the 30' and 40's, she did not have much access to information on the Queen. Mom ad Dad subscribed to two weekly farm papers. Their radio often did not work. Later radio was more reliable. They never did get a TV. 

     So in 1959 the Queen visited Saskatoon. My youngest brother was in a group at a stadium. Mom had made arrangements to meet me on the campus of the university of Saskatchewan and we would see the Royals. The motorcade drove around an oval and out of the area. We were close to them...about 12 ft. They went by us in a second and were gone in about three minutes. . We did not get a wave or a smile!

    Now in May of 1939 I was at the tour that went through Saskatchewan. They were on a train and stopped briefly at Watrous, Sask. They walked on the station platform for 15 or 20 minutes and then got back on the train. Again my Mom had a good location to see the Royals. I was born in Oct. 1939! So yes, I was there but I did not see the King!


  1. I saw her majesty while doing my daily rounds in downtown Calgary. I was walking back to my car at the end of the day. I was passing the Palliser Hotel and noticed a few people standing around. Someone said the Queen will be arriving in a couple of minutes. So I waited and sure enough, a limo pulled up and the Queen popped out and waved. I found myself clapping. After that I realized that though my brain believed in the Republic, my heart was a Monarchist.

    1. So your heart melted when you saw the Queen! I think she had that effect on people even if some of us do not favor the monarchy.

  2. Interesting point about the treaties. And it’s just about impossible to amend our constitution at the best of times.

    1. Good point about the difficulty in amending the constitution although Alberta thinks it would be easy.

  3. You got closer than most ever did. I never got a glimpse of her or any of the royals.

    1. Your turn is coming. Just think you might see Charles the III

  4. Well, you almost saw her twice, Red. You were still in the womb for the first try! She was a great lady and she will be missed.

    1. Mom often talked about the event of 1939.

  5. I did enjoy your reminiscences Red. The only time I 'saw' a Royal, was when in my short stint as a junior Girl Guide, we were taken to the road to wave our small Union Jack flags. The only sighting I got was the feather on top of the hat of the Queen Mother as it floated by. I was tickled pink that I had seen the Queen Mother's Royal feather! Couldn't have been happier!

    1. So kids can be easily satisfied. It's a shame that a little kid saw so little.

  6. I saw her and the Duke in 2010. Again, maybe two meters or so away as they drove past slowly away from the nature museum.

  7. You got closer than most people!! :)

    1. Yes, I was surprised that she was that close.

  8. Hello Red,
    I have never seen the Queen, she has visited Baltimore Maryland my home town. I have been to London, seen the outside of Buckingham Palace and had a tour of Windsor Castle. She will be missed. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. She knew what it was all about and she worked hard to keep things together.

  9. I imagine one day Canada will divest itself of the monarchy. Not any time soon!

    1. I don't think Canada will divest. I think the monarchy will fall apart.

  10. She was very nice to be so available to all the people. I would think it would get very tiring and overwhelming.

    1. Not only was she available but she connected with people.

  11. Well, you have been closer to the Queen than most of us, Red!

  12. Yes, I was close and I'm not a fan of the monarchy.

  13. The Queen was your head of state Red. Announcing that you are not much interested in royalty is tantamount to treason. Guards! Guards! Off with his head!

  14. Oh I can only imagine the excitement of your mom when she felt close to the queen or royals.. It reminds me when once my father told us that president of the Pakistan General zia ul huq would used to pass by his shop daily while cycling. He seemed excited as he was much into politics and politicians

  15. I think you summed up my feelings! The institution doesn't mean much to me. Yes, she was the world's Gramma, and delightful. Sadly, The Firm runs things, to keep their jobs going, and it is sad. Both my parents were from the UK, and she meant a lot to them. I think it is a lot of pomp and circumstance. We will watch the funeral. It is quite a big deal. I feel so badly for Prince Harry and Meghan. No one should be called the N word in this day and age.
