Thursday, October 5, 2023


      I have been writing about some of the adventuresome things I've done in my life. I've had comments like "You lived and interesting life." In my last post I'm crawling, walking up Windy Point Ridge . At least that's what we called it.

     Young men usually have a short period in their life when they think they are invincible and do some crazy things. I had that invincible period in my life but it lasted longer than most.  Once I passed through the invincible stage of my life I still had some fun like backpacking and crawling around the Rocky Mountains. 

    However, I was involved in may other activities even though they were much calmer. 

   I was very active in many aspects of teaching. I went to every professional development activity I could. So I attended many conferences and  workshops. I was also on the executive of the English Language Arts conference. This meant some travelling during the year. I was involved with Alberta Teachers Association. 

    Now all these activities may have been very interesting to me but I can't make interesting blog posts from them. 

   In my 40's life could have been become much more adventurous as one on the ATA presidents did not like flying into the north. I was asked to consider taking her place for the northern activities she would be involved in. I turned it down. It meant being away from home and an extra workload preparing for substitute teachers. I've often regretted not taking that position.

    So as hard as I may try, I don't think I could make a conference interesting. 

   The biggest conference I attended was the  conference in Washington D.C. in 1992. It was in the hotel where Reagan was shot. The venue was huge so this little prairie boy's eyes were wide open. I was also given a couple of extra days to be a tourist. When I got home I had to give a report to all my  colleagues and share all the goodies I had picked up.

    So that's all you're going to get on my professional development activities. 


  1. You continue to amaze me my friend! So much we never shared!

    1. We had an important job to do and many things can be shared later. Thanks for reading my blog.

  2. You seem to have led an interesting life in teaching Red. I totally agree that one should not take sitting in a classroom as the 'end' of one's professional life'. It is - if one is to be a teacher to inspire one's charges - just the beginning - the first stepping stone to enhancing one's own life and that of the pupils in your charge.

    1. I had many different assignments but whether I inspired anybody is still a question.

  3. Your activities are interesting. I am glad you were able spend time in Wash DC as a tourist, your trip was not all work related. Take care, have a great day and happy weekend!

    1. The conference was extremely large so I had much to choose from.

  4. So much of our lives involves things that are mundane to many. I always took away some tidbit of info from those conferences which was helpful to me. A lot of the benefit of a conference has to do with what you bring to it.

    1. Even if it was a tid bit it would still fit in with many more little ideas.

  5. i feel sorry that i become late for reading your latest post sometimes and reason vary .
    i always enjoy your adventures whether they are exploring nature or participating different kind of things related to your teaching life .
    which i admire most that despite you could have choose to way where your heart called you but you still tried to live both side of life ,dream and practical reality and relationship. i think growing freedom and abundance of choice has confused so many and they often lean on one side sadly .
    Wow you shared meeting with Reagan that really is news amazing:)

    1. I didn't meet Reagan. The conference was at the hotel where Reagan was shot.

  6. You've been busy all of your life, Red!

    1. Yep and I haven't slowed down in retirement either.

  7. You raise an interesting point.
    The conference world, thinking on it now, does have a cauldron of okay, yah, got it, now let's move on mix. The interest is in thinking about why that is. I've only been to a few. None that I recall are note worthy. I barely remember what they were about.

    1. At the time you remembered and even if the idea was small it could be incorporated in some way to bring about improvements. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  8. You really have done some wonderfully interesting things. I love knowing you were in Washington, DC.

  9. You made an interesting post about the conferences. sometimes, the things we really enjoyed cannot be explained well to make a great blog post.

    1. Yes, and much of what I learned has been forgotten.

  10. Interesting the choices we all make.

  11. I've been to a few professional conferences. And I've found you always -- always! -- learn more when, like you did, take those extra couple of days for a little "vacation."

    1. I also attended many primary level sessions as I think teaching in primary gets to the nitty gritty of how it's done.

  12. I avoided going to conferences, basically for the reasons you gave, but in the last year of my teaching career, I chose to go the a reading conference in New Orleans, and I took my husband with me. We paid for all of his expenses but not mine. When the conference was over we had a weekend on our own. It was wonderful!

    1. The Micro Manager went with me and she toured the city.

  13. It is interesting to hear that you liked and attended many conferences. Not every teacher likes that.

  14. You bring back memories of my own excursions and conferences I attended. I didn't find anything in there worth writing about.

  15. Great review of your professional development activities. 😊 You have me reflecting on my own participation in these kinds of activities. Here in Washington State, part of the requirement for teachers to keep their license active is to do a certain number of hours of what they call “continuing education.” It seemed like every year there was a conference to attend. I absolutely have to agree completely with one thing you said about attending these conferences: “I can't make interesting blog posts from them.” 😊

  16. Yeah, a lot of PD activities and conferences really aren't all that interesting to people who don't share the same profession. I had that same feeling when I was trying to write about my training in Vienna last spring. I didn't mention the training much -- just talked about Vienna!

  17. Not everything we do is interesting...but still part of life!

  18. I loved PD activities, as well. The ones after school were tough, though, having to leave my kids alone as a single parent.

  19. I've had the odd conference, but fortunately they're rare.
