Saturday, July 29, 2023


         There are very, very few goats around here. But last week surprise, surprise there were lots of goats around here. 

        A flock of goats is known for eating weeds and other undesirable plants. They add nutrients to the soil and with their feet cut little holes to aeriate the soil. 

       So last Sunday afternoon I took my daughter and son-in-law to the local nature center. We were surprised to see goats. Many goats. The shepherds told us there were 600 goats. They set up temporary fencing on an area and then set up more temporary fencing usually beside the first area. In this way they move the goats quickly before they start damaging the wanted plants.

     It was interesting to see this many goats. There were many kids that were only a week old. One kid had been sleeping and when he woke up his mother was gone. Did he holler. The shepherd picked him up and took him to his mother.

     For goats, there was very little noise. When they moved they seemed to move as one. 


  1. How cute! And efficient, with no mower noise, just bleating. Linda in Kansas

  2. Lovely to spend some time with your daughter and son-in-law. The goats have certainly responded enthusiastically to God's injunction in Genesis - "Go forth and multiply!"

  3. Love the goats, they are so cute. Have a great week!

  4. That kid is exquisite.

  5. That is just a hoot! I've heard of it around Ontario. Never seen it till now.

  6. That little kid is adorable!
    I love the way goats are being used for weed control and just recently Australian farmers have started using donkeys as guardian animals, which I also love

  7. That is a LOT of goats. They are such interesting animals. People use them down here because they eradicate weeds and also put pressure on poison ivy. Great photos.

  8. My father bought five goats to clear brush from an old abandoned property. They did a fine job of it.

  9. Six hundred goats! That must have been quite a sight to see.

  10. Great photos of the goats. Interesting animals!

  11. Goats are pretty amazing animals!

  12. Beautiful captures of all the goats.

  13. Love seeing these animals, who can devour weeds in an amazingly short time!

  14. We have rent-a-goats around here too. I understand they are very effective in controlling invasive plants. They will eat our sprawling, thorny Himalayan blackberries, which run rampant over everything.

  15. Wow, that's a lot of goats! A lovely sight.

  16. My wife would have gone nuts! She loves goats.

  17. I read in the Kansas City Star that they are bringing in a small herd of goats to clean up areas along the Missouri River's banks where people can't manage!!

  18. Goats are wonderful eaters and they love weeds:) What fun to see them...I am partial to goats having owned one a long time ago:)

  19. Somehow or other you had dropped off my radar. Lovely to see all those goats, delightful animals.

  20. Wow! I've never seen so many goats. I didn't know they were so useful too.

  21. What an impressive job dear Red
    Two jobs actually goats filled their belly and spared men from hard work of cutting it :)
    Glad to hear that your daughter and son in law visited. I hope you are having wonderful time with them

  22. That's wonderful to be around all those goats. Great photos! I guess they can be considered a gardener's best friend as long as they don't go after their blooms :) There used to be a house up on a hill near here, and they had goats to keep their grass short. They'd move them all around the house. It was always good to see them but they haven't been there for years now.
