Tuesday, November 21, 2023


      The grammar police visited my post A Memory. 

      Have you ever had grammar police visit your blog? 

     This visit was more of a raid as they went a little further than just grammar. 

     I had tried to say that Mr Pudding from Yorkshire Pudding had been to his favorite pub for quiz night. Question # 12 gave me a good memory for my post. I was chastised because  I hadn't explained "Mr Pudding" or "Yorkshire Pudding" In fact, they thought that so much was missing that I may have had a TIA. Well part of this is their problem but I admit that it was a  sloppy paragraph. 

   There were further omissions and out right mistakes. I confess to some very poor editing. I was in a hurry. 

   So this would bring up a question for bloggers. How much should we concern ourselves with grammar? Are bloggers supposed to work to rule? Is it necessary to have completely correct grammar? I'm sure everybody has their own opinions. What makes up a good blog? Does it take correct grammar to have a good blog? 

    When you read my blog I think you see that I am somewhat informal. That's me. I'm that kind of person.

    When I read your blogs, which are all good, I see different styles. People can write the way they talk and it makes for an interesting blog. 

     With so much variety blogging is very interesting. 

      So since I have confessed to some errors, will the grammar police wonder what I'm talking about or will bloggers wonder what grammar police are? There seems to be something wrong with my last sentence but I don't know what it is. 



  1. It's the content of a blog that keeps me reading or drives me away. Grammar can go pound sand. And to answer your question, I don't see anything wrong with the sentence you were wondering about. Also, you included a link to Mr. Pudding's blog, so the grammar police could have gone and read up on the background. Maybe they know grammar but they don't know about links.

    1. The blog world is informal and I hope it stays that way.

  2. I know what the grammar police are. Red, I will say this to you. Any person who comes onto a blog to take someone to task for their grammar is, in simple language, rude. You are not a student. You're a grown man. The only reason someone would make a point of that is to make himself feel superior. I would ignore the comments, and keep on doing what you do best: telling stories about Red, The Micromanager, and your corner of the world.

    1. I happen to know this grammar police woman very well so I was giving her some static.

    2. Oh dear: It wasn't the micromanager was it?

  3. Most bloggers write as if they were talking aloud...

  4. I like good spelling and grammar, especially in a professional context but bloggers are just having fun so I think there's room for individual style, being in a hurry, learning disabilities and so on

    1. You hit the nail o the head. In a professional context we have to be accurate.

  5. A competência de cada um tem muito que ver coma sua formação académica.
    Se conhecemos as boas normas da escrita não há razão para as não aplicarmos.
    Abraço amigo.
    Juvenal Nunes

    1. Thanks for visiting Hiawatha house. You're right that our background dictates how we write.

  6. Write what you want! Even having been a teacher, you're retired now so the rules are diluted a lot. You write for different purpose now instead of teaching. Enjoy it! Tell the grammar police to go pick on some high schoolers. We know what you mean when a key accidentally clicks around the one you meant. Linda in Kansas

    1. I've been retired for 26 years and I've forgotten an awful lot.

  7. in my opinion blog should not be obliged with grammar rules nt because i have poorest grammar here but because blogs are our personal diaries like pages where we speak our mind and only interested people choose to visit .if so our blogs can be our identity with unique person .
    i don't think it is classroom ,it's just place to share my heart which does not need to be perfect i think :)

    1. We choose what we want to say and how to say it. I admire your effort to write in English even though it's not your first language.

  8. Well, I wouldn't call that grammar exactly, and some people should hold their metaphorical tongues. I notice things sometimes (not necessarily here), but I don't correct people. Probably the thing that hurts my 'ears' most is when people write 'lay' for 'lie'. We don't lay down, we lie down. We do lay things down but we lie down. You got me started. 😁

    1. I've been retired for a long time and forget most of these rules.

  9. I have never had the grammar police comment with a mistake I made in my blog posts! I invent words to include in my posts and those words make sense to me, I have never been questioned on them or received negative comments with regards to my inventions. I see nothing wrong with your last sentence, I get what you are getting at! I like the informal style and when people write like they talk. It's blogs that are that way and blogs like yours that keep me coming back!

    1. The grammar police woman is a close relative of mine so we discuss things from time to time.

  10. I do notice grammar and spelling mistakes in other people's blogs, but I think it makes it more personal, and as you said, it also makes it interesting. It took me a long time to realize that this isn't school and nobody is actually grading us on our blogs. I love your blog, Red. Don't change a thing! :-)

    1. I believe you have a background in editing so would notice incorrect things.

  11. I was in "the know" since I knew who Mr. Pudding was when I read your post.

    I think grammar is important for blogging. Whenever I read a post with lots of grammar errors, I am distracted from the overall meaning of the post. So when I write, and I write my posts generally a week or two before they actually are published, I try to go back and fix any grammar errors I have made. I still make a lot of them that I don't catch until I reread my post on the morning it publishes. I also gladly change any pointed out by commenters.

    Saying all that, I think the most important aspect of blogging is the mental therapy it provides me by giving my brain a release. I don't write my blog for others, I'm happy that others enjoy it, but I write it mostly for me. If making a few grammar mistakes allows my conscious to flow even freer, then I'm okay with that.

    1. I sometimes do not take much time in editing.

  12. As long as I can figure out what the Blogger is talking about, I just ignore any grammar or spelling errors I see. We do the best we can but sometimes a typo slips in. Who cares?! I just enjoy the chance to share with others.

    1. Key word is enjoy. I have many blogs I enjoy and if I had time I'd follow more blogs.

  13. The grammar police are probably always after me, lol!! Have a great day!

    1. I think they're only after me as they are a relative.

  14. I was a proofreader and editor for a while when I was working at the university years ago. So, I do have an eye for grammatical errors, but I would never comment on a blog about the writer's grammar. In this world everyone has their own style and I just love what my blogging friends have to say about their world. (NewRobin13)

    1. I would never comment on another's writing unless it was a mutual exercise.

  15. I make errors and that's ok. :)

    1. You use photos to express your blog ideas.

  16. I try to be correct in my punctuation and grammar but that's just because I was a journalist for years. The importance of clean, accurate writing has been drilled into me. But I don't begrudge anyone else the choice to write more casually!

    1. Looking over these comments I find people are comfortable in their own skin. The readers get the message.

  17. This is good for a laugh, and that's a good thing!
    Yes, I do notice errors, but I would never correct anyone.

    1. You'll laugh more when you hear that the grammar police woman is close relative of mine.

  18. I think we should write the way that feels right for us. An audience will follow.

    1. If we didn't write the way , not many people would be blogging.

  19. Who cares, write what you want. I am certain if the Grammar Police visited my blog they would flop over dead:)

    1. Your blog is interesting because it feels as if you ae talking to us.

  20. I must admit to being a bit of a grammarian and even more-so an editor on spelling but what's my advice for you regarding grammar police? Fug-em! Now let's see what they make of that.

  21. Whoever had the audacity to invade your blog and criticize your grammar is rude beyond words and should be banned from blogger.

  22. Hi Red, Today is Thanksgiving in USA. One of the things I am thankful for is … The Grammer Police have yet to arrive at John’s Island. 😊 I probably do have plenty of grammatical errors, so I’m thinking I’m just lucky the GP haven’t found me. As far as Hiawatha House is concerned … No worries about grammar … I’m enjoying it just the way you publish it. Thank you for your kind Thanksgiving wish on my blog. John

  23. I've always enjoyed your posts, never noticed anything out of place. Your posts are authentic. There are times I have several typos in my posts but blogging friends have never held me to account. I think they, like me, realize we do them and it doesn't matter. If I catch one I'll correct it but I'm sure a lot get through that I didn't.

  24. I am a grammar nut, and police myself as much as I can. And I still make mistakes. But, and it is a big but, I believe that a blog can be written 'the way we talk' and be perfectly fine.
    I just found your site. The photos look like the Canadian Shield. ?

  25. Oh no... there's a grammar policeperson out there. Ouch! I hope they don't stop by my blog because I find errors myself long after I've already posted my piece.

  26. I am happy for people to let me know when something is unclear.
    On Facebook, on a trailcam page, you are supposed to tell where you are located. One person keeps writing 'N-E OH,' and I always do a double take.

  27. I'm informal blogging, but formal professionally.

  28. I notice that your page-view counter reads 1,258,140. So quite clearly there are plenty of folk who aren't worried about your grammar. I think we read blogs for what they say (i.e. the messages and meanings conveyed). And especially for those of us who are retired, blogging can also widen our sense of connection. Some bloggers may like to spend a lot of time on how they write - seeing it as a form of mental exercise. But even for them, writing style is about a lot more than grammar. Keep up your good work.
