Saturday, April 20, 2024


             I decided to sell my hiking boots since it was spring and hiking season would begin. 

            I advertised them on Kijiji. At one time I had good luck on Kijiji , but not lately. I was also advertising the boots on Market place. Now I'm not that familiar with market place and find it confusing.

         Since I only have the computer , I look at things maybe 2 or 3 times a day. 

        Someone answered and said they would be coming to town on Friday and could they see the boots. Well, by the time I saw this, the guy had sent me 5 different messages. Then I checked on Kijiji and the same guy had several messages.

       I gave him my phone number  and since he was on instant time , he phoned. His name on Kijiji was Ken Hofer. The name given on the phone was Tony Dehofer? This mixed me up more and more. I didn't know how many people I was dealing with. I was struggling with market place, a guy was sending messages on two sites and at a rapid rate. Then a woman emailed and I thought she was with the same guy.

      The Micro Manager started to get worried. I knew from the name that I was dealing with a Hutterite. The Micro Manager is not familiar with Hutterites and was on level 10 anxiety. I couldn't tell her that Hutterites were nice people. 

      So the morning he was supposed to come we had a call from the guy's sister that they would be coming and what was the address. 15 minutes later the woman phoned again and said they were on the way. 

     So finally a time was set for the guy to come to my place. I really didn't know who was coming or how many. 

    So at the appointed time a Hutterite arrived and quietly bought my hikers. The Micro Manager was amazed and said, "He was a nice guy!"

    And I don't know how many messages and phone calls I had. Obviously I had enough calls to sell my boots. 


  1. Replies
    1. The boots that I haven't used for years are gone.

  2. Sounds like you could have easily begun and on-line hiking boots store - with The Micro Manager as your personal assistant.

    1. It was pretty busy for a while. But I definitely will not be going into the shoe business.

  3. Could you explain who or what a Hutterite is please?

    1. Hutterites are a religious group that lives and farms in a colony. They are of German background and try to limit the influence around them so have separate education and leave school as early as possible. .

  4. I have never heard of Hutterites. I had to look it up! I'm glad it all worked out well and your boots sold. Are you going to buy new ones, or have you sworn off hiking?

    1. I think Hutterites are mostly in the west . I'm finished hiking and have been for a while.

  5. Replies
    1. It was always going to work out but it was a little weird.

  6. I would have been apprehensive, too! I would probably have wanted to meet him in some public place rather than at my home but I'm glad it all worked out, Red!

    1. Well, Hutterites are not dangerous people. They are different and somewhat limit English makes communication a little difficult sometimes.

  7. The way that I wear shoes, they would be unsellable after about 30 minutes of wear.

    1. These were very tough hiking boots...think Rockies!

  8. I'm glad it all worked out and someone actually bought those hiking boots. I hope the boots have lots more good hiking in their future. (NewRobin13)

    1. Funny thing is that Hutterites don't hike. They will use them on the farm.

  9. Maybe the reason you are selling your boots, age, has something to do with your technology confusion also. We do slow down when we get old, speaking from experience.

    1. It's too bad but, you are right on all those things.

  10. Replies
    1. Thee really was no worry. The communication was a challenge.

  11. You know, Red, I don't remember ever hearing about 'Hutterites' before. You sent me off on a Google search. I learned something new today!

    1. I think Hutterites are more western. These people live in a colony but they have all the modern stuff when it comes to machinery , hi tech. They've got it all.

  12. Good to hear your boots were sold and someone will get lots of use out of them! I imagine you wore the good grip off them so they would no longer be good for rocky mountain hiking but perfect for farming.

  13. It's hard to believe how difficult it can be to sell a pair of shoes...
    You succeeded, wonderful.
    I wish you a happy day.

  14. Yay! Congratulations! How wonderful that your boots found a good home. I'm going to just send our stuff to Goodwill. I did buy quite a number of things on Craigslist when we first moved back to Hawaii some 15 years ago.

  15. interesting story :)
    it's confusing when more than one people involve in matter like this
    glad the job was done and Mm was happy :) yes the wives are always wives lol
