Tuesday, August 27, 2024


       I must admit that I like the comments I get when I talk about snow. This will be my first snow post for this  fall.

       I was shocked the other day when I heard a forecast for snow in the mountains.

      I live about 100 km from the Rocky Mountains. Most of the elevation in this huge range is from 8000 feet to 10000 feet. A few peaks are higher like beautiful Mount Robson. 

     Their are many glaciers that have been there for thousands of years. All summer at the higher elevations you will get fresh snow.

     So the forecast of snow was not out of the ordinary. Where I live we had a high of 24.

     But the snow does remind me that fall is on the way and then winter. 

     This is a peak in Montana which I think was 11000 feet. I climbed this one on a hot afternoon. Getting on the peak was a little tricky. I hope John will recognize this peak and give me he name. 


  1. Just keep your snow up there. We don't need a bunch in Kansas. Linda in Kansas

  2. That is a very distinctive mountain and I suspect a challenging climb too. You must have been as fit as a mountain goat when you were a young man Red.

    1. Yes , pyramidal shape. It was a walk up except for the last 50 to 100ft . When we were on top we noticed the little trail down that we had missed.

  3. Replies
    1. That doesn't sound right. It was in the south eastern corner of Montana.

  4. Beautiful view of the mountain. I heard part of California had some snow a few days ago. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. I didn't take the photo a s my partner Mike took it.

  5. Quite a feat to climb that one, Red! Well done!

    1. This was easy as all we had to do was walk up.

  6. It's been so warm here that it seems as if Summer isn't ready to leave yet. I see some trees already turning color, tho, so Fall is inching in. I love Fall but am not a big fan of Winter and SNOW!

    1. Early dropping of leaves worries me as it's been so dry and I worry about damage to the trees.

  7. Well, I am glad that you are escaping the snow for now.

    1. The Rockys are 4 or 5 thousand feet higher than we are.

  8. It doesn't snow here but we do get some rain and it seems to come everyday.

  9. Replies
    1. Well, I'd like some more decent summer weather.

  10. I'm impressed by your conquering of that peak!

    1. It was a walk up so we just walked up the trail. It was steep but you could walk.

  11. We have just had a cold and wet spell and we had snow at 10,000 feet on Mt Rainier. This is climbing season so some folks might have been surprised up there. Always check the weather when in the mountains.

  12. Mount Rainier keeps a lot of snow or glacier all summer.

  13. Beautiful photo! I hope you don't get regular snow just yet.

  14. Ah, youth, when we could do such things.

  15. I just came from Granny Sue's, where she's talking about 100 degree weather, and you're talking about snow. Talk about extremes!!

  16. That looks like Rising Wolf Mountain reflecting in Two Medicine Lake in East Glacier. I woke up to snow on the mountain peaks yesterday morning in Many Glacier.
