Monday, September 16, 2024


      I've been away for a few days. I admit that I have not read blogs or commented. 

       I had the mother of all nose bleeds on Thursday  morning. I was off to the bathroom about 1 AM and felt a drip fall from my nose. When I got to the bathroom and got the light on my hand had lots of blood on it. I tried to stop it and saw that the bleeding was continuing very rapidly. I called the Micro Manager for help. We quickly decided we had to call the ambulance.

    The paramedic tried pinching the nostril and using a gauze plug. Nothing helped. 

    They decided it was emergency for me. So out I went out  to the drive way in sock feet and boxers. The paramedic pinched my nose all the way to the hospital and while I was waiting for a bed. Then they put a clamp on my nose which stopped the bleeding but didn't cure things. 

     About 4 AM they inserted an inflatable plug. It wasn't nice but stopped the blood flow. 

    I was released  about 10AM. I didn't have glasses or hearing aids. I didn't have shoes. The micro manager sent up a shirt, pants and jacket. I couldn't get the shirt over my head. So I was on my way home with no shoes or shirt. 

    So it was a long sleepless confusing night.

    I went back Sat AM  and got the packing out and fortunately the bleeding had stopped. It was a treat that a  former student was in the ER and looked after me.

    So it was a miserable time with lack of sleep, worry, loss of blood and a darn hard hospital bed to lie on for 10 hours. 

   Aren't you lucky that I'm not showing icky photos? 



  1. Oh, Red, what an ordeal. Are you prone to nose bleeds?

    1. Not prone to nosebleeds at all. can't remember when I last had one.

  2. Oh my so sorry this happened to you Red, my husband has nose bleeds all the time they always stop by themselves.

    1. Well this is the only one I've had that wouldn't stop.

  3. Oh my gosh Red! This would be terrifying! Do they have any idea what caused this?

    1. I admit that I was worried and they have no idea of a cause.

  4. That would be frightening. I'm so glad you had a resolution but sorry you had to go through this. Yes, I'm kind of glad you didn't show photos!

    1. It was alarming as it would not stop . It's a good thing they can pinch it off .

  5. Oh dear, that was a scare for you Red. If you continue having an issue you should ask about cauterization inside the nostril. I know sometimes the skin up there is thinner so that can affect how much they can cauterize. My late mom had so many nose bleed problems all her life and in her later years they did cauterization. All the best!

    1. Thanks. the blood flow was too much so the cauterization chemical would not stick.

  6. Hope they can sort out why this happened.

    1. Nothing will be done unless it happens again.

  7. This sounds like a pretty awful night for you both, Red. I'm glad they managed to stop the bleed and I hope it doesn't happen again

    1. I don't think it will happen again as I have only had one or two bleeds in the last 30 years.

  8. I am sorry to hear about your nose bleed and a visit to the hospital.
    Do you know why you had the nose bleed? Take good care of yourself! Enjoy your day and the week ahead.

  9. My husband had a similar event many years ago. They kept him in hospital overnight. Glad you are ok now!

    1. From my experience the other night, I hope I don't have to stay in the hospital again.

  10. I'm just glad you are okay and the ordeal is over.

    1. I am also very glad the ordeal is over too.

  11. So sorry you had this trouble, Red. I hope they figure out the cause so you don't have that happen again!

    1. No obvious cause so they'll leave it there.

  12. That is horrible! I get the occasional one after a cold has run it's course but never anywhere near that bad. Unfortunately I passed on that gene to my eldest daughter who gets them worse than I but they can cauterize them periodically so she doesn't have to go through life wondering if she will have one.

    1. They couldn't cauterize this one as there was too much blood flow.

  13. I am so sorry that you experienced that, Red. I hope that never happens again. Take care there, and stay safe and well. (NewRobin13)

    1. What ever happens will happen but I don't want the experience again.

  14. The phrase "bloody hell" comes to mind -- literally. So where do you go from here?

    1. Life carries on unless there are other issues.

  15. Well, gosh, have a backpack handy to take on any next adventure. Ice fishing isn't the cure for a bleeding nose. It IS totally cool that you had a former student watch over you. So, now you have to figure out why that happened. Follow up with your doc: decrease blood thinners maybe. Wear your boots to bed? Linda in Kansas

    1. My son-in-law strongly suggested the back pack.

  16. Sorry to hear about that scary event. Do they know why you bled that bad? Take care and hope it doesn't come back.

  17. Oh no! So sorry to hear you went through that! I'm glad the bleeding stopped, at least. Are you on blood-thinning medication?

  18. Welcome back. Not a pleasant outing.

  19. I'm not on blood thinner and my BP was 116?

  20. Maybe the Micro Manager slugged you during the night. No, no, just kidding. Don't tell her I said that. Glad you're okay now, Red. I'm on blood thinners and that kind of story makes me shivver.

    1. I was asked many times if I had bumped or otherwise injured my nose.

  21. Gosh, sorry to read what you experienced, it's awful and scary! Wishes to you that it never happens again! I hope you feel fine enough to get back to your regular postings here!

    1. Since I've never had such an issue before , I should be ok.

  22. oh the story makes my heart sad and eyes teary dear Red
    i wonder what was causing such bleeding
    it reminded me horrible three days when mom got such bleeding with more flow and from mouth either
    those were scariest days for me as daughter
    i am thankful you are okay now and bleeding stopped finally by the grace of God !

    1. I don't worry and get stressed. It was a surprise.

  23. I'm glad they got the bleeding under control and stopped. Do you take blood thinners? ASA? Blood always looks so awful and makes such a mess.

    1. I'm not on blood thinners and BP is around 116. Yes, my face was covered with blood when I got to the hospital. Thanks for asking.

  24. Oh, I'm sorry - that does sound scary. And in the middle of the night just makes it more so. I sure hope it was a one and done event!

    1. It's not so much the scary part but the confusing part.

  25. Wow, what a story Red! I don't think I've ever heard of a nose bleed like this. So happy to hear you are OK now. Take care and rest up. We will all be looking forward to your next post! John

    1. I'd never heard of such a nose bleed and I hope I never get another.
