Saturday, October 26, 2024


     Today was a beautiful warm fall day. It's the first time all summer that I've had a chance to get out to one of my favorite places. The geese were there to put on a show for me. About thirty geese were gathered in front of a bench. They stayed and chattered. I think they were commenting about me not giving them a handout. All summer people would sit at this spot and feed the geese.

     Since they clustered around the bench I took some photos. I always have to get a few photos of Canada geese. 


  1. Maybe you could take one home as a pet, Red!

  2. Red, this is good! 😊 I think that last picture says it all. That guy is asking for a handout! Thanks for the smile-inducing post. Happy rest of the weekend to you and the MM. John

  3. What a lovely walk... now the dream outside.
    And – yes – I would have taken lots of photos of the beautiful Canada geese.
    We're also having the most beautiful autumn weather right now and the birds are gathering to fly south... I like the geese best, you can't miss them, they fly with great chatter and they have such an excellent flight formation. .. splendid. I am fascinated every year anew.
    Hug from Viola

  4. Would this also be a spot where they are in the spring with their goslings?

  5. I'm sure there are exceptions but Canadians always seem such calm, well-mannered people - not so their geese.

  6. Great captures of the geese! Take care, have a wonderful week ahead.

  7. Beautiful surroundings, being cussed at because you didn't bring food. I presume you've seen the movie Fly Away Home. It's based on a true story, of a flock imprinting on a young girl, and the Dad helping to figure out how to show them to their more southern wintering grounds. Really good. Linda in Kansas

  8. They're slow to fly this year, or are these the ones that stay the course?

  9. We always have a lot of Canada geese around my city in Illinois. They have signs along our Riverwalk that say "don't feed the wildlife" but I often see people throwing bread crumbs in while the geese and ducks flock around.
