Friday, February 14, 2025


      In the last post I took the privilege of making some assumptions about my readers. 

      I was passing out advice. That's dangerous. I assumed that people needed advice? I assumed that all my readers were much younger and that when they reach my age the advice will be helpful.

      Was I in for a surprise. Many readers had the advice I gave them and many had more advice to give. 

     Well, I guess that's how it works. We don't know the other person and the other person may have more experience and knowledge than we think. 

     The comments were an eye opener and they were most helpful. I hope other people learned from the comments and so will have an easier time navigating old age.

    I will have to be much more careful about assumptions I make from now on. 


  1. I'm grateful for any comment I get from readers. And I really appreciate any and all advice I get. I have learned so much from all of you. I hope you're staying warm, Red. My daughter tells me it's very cold there right now.

  2. You sparked a good few comments and discussion...great!!

  3. I'm betting most of your readers like good lighting to read by. Glaucoma still permits my to have 20/20 vision but requires a good light to read tiny print. The flashlight on my cell is pretty bright when I'm in a hurry. One of those camper lights on a headband is great for night nursing duties or when the power goes out. Stay warm. Linda in Kansas

  4. As we write and publish our blogposts, we never know for sure who will be reading them. Long ago, I made the assumption that all my readers would be kind and friendly like you - never expecting that a few of them would be quite nasty - always seeking to criticise or score points. That's why I had to turn on the moderation facility.

  5. I have to go back because I don't remember and have no idea what you're on about. 😇

  6. Isn’t it great we can still learn a few things at our age!

  7. Red, as an Official Senior Citizen, one of the things I like about blogging is hearing tips and suggestions from other Seniors about how to best deal with this business of getting older … and older … and older. 😊 I like the way your Assumer has been working … keep up the good work! John

  8. I think people of all ages can use these helpful tools you mentioned, Red.
