Thursday, August 8, 2024


      There's an old Jewish proverb that I like. When you can , hang around the lucky. At times I've taken the liberty to change lucky to some other word. 

     I eat at the Casino two or three times a week. They have good food and it's a good price. Breakfast is seven bucks. They have a senior day when it's a two for one until 7:00 PM. 

    Now I don't gamble. Quite a few seniors take advantage of the food but don't gamble. 

    Each week they have a senior draw for $500.00 . There are other draws which are all free to enter once a day. Every two weeks they have a $500.00 shopping draw. 

    Well , last week the Micro manager won the senior draw! The next day they phoned me to tell me that I had won ear buds! I didn't know how I won the ear buds. There were 40 separate prizes besides the shopping spree. 

     So we've been lucky. So hang around my blog. 


  1. I never win at random draws like that but my wife is quite lucky. She has won grand prizes more often than I count. I suppose that is one reason why I still hang around her.

  2. Why should I hang around your blog for earbuds when I could go and chat up Micro Manager?

  3. Replies
    1. In reality it will be a long time before we win anymore.

  4. Woo hoo! Congratulations! And yeah, I hope some of that luck rubs off on your readers. :)

    1. It'll be a long time before the next win.

  5. Now you nailed the proverb

  6. You guys are lucky! We used to enjoy going out to eat at the Casino...especially Steak night! BUT they allow smoking so it got to be too much for my husband so we don't go anymore.

  7. Can your good luck rub off from this far away? Maybe.

  8. Good for both of you and here's to luck!

    1. Thank you. It will be a long time before it happens again.

  9. $500 will buy you a lot of breakfasts or steaks! You made a good choice with the micromanager and now your loyalty is paying off :)

  10. Congrats to the Micro Manager on her win! Take care, have a great weekend.

  11. Don't things (bad AND good) happen in threes? You should have another lucky win coming your way soon.

  12. Wow, this gives me a whole new perspective on Hiawatha House! 😊 I’ll definitely be hanging around.
