A few days ago the Red Deer River Naturalists together with Telus and Alberta wild life set up a webcam to watch a perigrine falcon nest over the breeding season. Red Deer River Naturalists(RDRN) paid for the camera. Telus installed the camera on their 100 meter tower. Alberta Wildlife designed a box that would keep out predators .
If you click on the link you will go to the RDRN website which will have a link to the webcam and information about perigrine falcons. There are many people coming to the site. Perigrines attract much interest as they were very close to extinction and now are slowly coming back with a little help from us. The perigrine in it's own right is a very interesting bird because of it's amazing feats of flight and being able to hunt and take prey in the air.
As I am a member of RDRN we were quite surprised at the interest in thee perigrine falcon and are quite happy that we set up the web cam.