I start many posts with, "I was a teacher for 37 years." So every once in a while I get on a teacher topic.
Over the years I had many different administrators. Most of them were middle of the roaders. One was outstanding and one just terrible.
So I got thinking about hiring a good administrator.
I would suggest that a good place to look for administrators would be in the fine arts section.
Fine arts teachers have to set their classes up so that students work on individual projects or in groups. They also have to organize their program so that the curriculum police are satisfied. So fine arts teachers have many challenges with logistics. And they creative people.
So if I was hiring an administrator I would look in the fine aarts section for candidates for an administrative position.
I would like an administrator to be creative and have a vision as to what he wants for his school. I want somebody who is well organized and can move pieces of the jigsaw puzzle around and make the best use of space, time and talent.
After that look for leadership ability and personal appeal.
So here are the results of my afternoon of daydreaming.
Am I a little biased towards fine arts?