Has anyone ever heard of or read the book "Planes for Bob and Andy". This was my very favorite book for me in grades there to five.
I went to a rural one room country school. The library was a glassed in book case with three shelves. The glass locked doors was rather uninviting. It contained about 50 books. There was an ancient set of encyclopedias that the teachers wouldn't let us have.
However, there was Planes for Bob and Andy. I read the book many times. I liked airplanes and stories about airplanes. I always wanted to fly and this book increased my interest in flying.
I looked this book up on line. There are many of them for sale Some asking around $90.00. As far as I can tell the book was first printed in 1941. I think they were all hard cover books. I remember the green color of the cover.
I can't find if this book won any awards.
So for a while I've been down memory lane.