Sunday, January 5, 2025


      I rarely look back at old posts. Somehow today I landed on a post from Fri July 6, 2012. What was the topic? International Kissing Day!

     So, who am I to write about kissing? But you can go back to the post and see what I wrote, in my ignorance.

     The thing that shocked me was the list of commenters I had. I had completely forgotten most of the people who made comments on that post. There are only three people from that time who still follow my blog and make comments. So of the seventeen people who commented , 14 of them have disappeared. 

    The three bloggers who remain from that time are Far Side of Fifty, Eye on the Edge and Crumbly acres.  

    Some of them had excellent blogs but somehow ceased blogging. Some were lurkers who only made comments. 

    One  blog that had over a thousand followers ceased. That was Tex Wise girl. She posted every day. Do any of you remember her? 

     Maybe I should look back at more old posts and could be surprised at some of the topics. Of course, in 2012, I was 12 years younger, so just a young guy!