It's still very cold here ...minus 32 this morning. I took the photo about 8:30 this morning when you see a combination of ice fog and other crap in the air.
All comments on the last post were interesting. I usually reply to the comments that come on the first day the piece was posted. Many comments came later and I will reply to some here.
Baili who lives in Pakistan is worried about these low temperatures. Well, I wouldn't want her high temperatures of 50 C in the summer. Even 25 C is hot to me.
Debby checked to see if I wasn't frozen stiff. It's not such a funny comment. People do freeze to death.
Tabor wonders if I worry about my furnace not working. Yes I do worry about a heating malfunction. It happened a few years ago when the thermostat died. It happened last week to Far Side.
Yorkshire Pudding thinks Canadians are tough. Most of it is a state of mind and then we have to be smart when comes to clothing and all activities .
John from John's Island found a weather warning for my town. It's something that I'd never seen before and warned of the danger we face.
What I come away with when we discuss temperatures is that it's all relative. We can get used to temperatures if we have a good attitude. We have many new immigrants here from Africa and Asia. They seem to have no problem with our weather. They drive their cars in winter driving conditions as well as anybody else. The Supervisor I had when I had a paper route was from the Phillipines. He had to make sure that all the cry baby carriers got out and if they didn't he delivered the route. Not ever any complaints from him about the cold. I suppose I could get used to Baili's extreme temperatures but I would have learn few things.