So for all those who celebrate and enjoy St. Patrick's day, I hope you had a good day. Around this house, you wouldn't know it was St. Patrick's Day. My friend Mike, missed out on the green beer they had in his residence.
So when I was a child going to school in the country we did very little about St. Patrick's day. We may have drawn a few shamrocks and colored them green but not much more.
To be more exact we did not really recognize St. Patrick's day. We were country people and country people did not take notice of frivolous days. Our community was German Lutheran and they didn't do much celebrating. Garrison Keillor described a young Lutheran's guide to the symphony orchestra and they were very serious.
Another more serious hitch to St. Patrick's celebrations was that my family and community belonged to a religious denomination that didn't celebrate things unless it was described directly in the bible and sometimes even then they argued or bickered about it.
Well, I left the little farm community and got another look at celebrating special days. For a while it was more like Halloween and tricks were played. A common trick was to put green food dye in a toilet tank. On flushing the toilet some people were surprised.
Once I started teaching in middle school the big issue was that you would be pinched if you didn't wear some green. I only made that mistake once and after that I wore something green or every kid in the school would pinch you.
The story behind St. Patrick's day is well worth knowing.
So going from no fun St. Patrick's to all kinds of fun it's been an interesting ride.