Thursday, November 6, 2014

More on Time

      As a continuation of the recent time change post, there are some things I do notice because of the time change.

      When the time changes I seem to notice how short the days have become. Before the time change we still have a long afternoon and some evening. Right after the time change the evening sunlight has gone and the afternoon ends early. Today the sun set at at 4:56. It's dark by 6:00 PM. The sun rose this morning at 7:40 AM. It was dark before when I got up and it's still dark when I get up now after the time change. The shortest day of the year is on it's way.

   However, today was one of those awesome fall days. We had a high of 17 C (65 F). This is not a record but very nice to have. I couldn't find a record high for this day but the record high for November is 22.8 C ( 73 F). If you care to know the record low at Red Deer for November is minus 35 C ( -32 F).

    Now here's  poor excuse. I was busy today and didn't get a photo. Tomorrow is to be much cooler and I might get  snow photo.

    Our warm temperature today was caused by a chinook. Air rushes over the Rocky mountains and drops in altitude. As the air drops it warms up. Chinooks are always come with a high west wind, but I don't mind if I get warm weather. We also have cloud cover but if we look to the west we see blue sky.

     So a November 6 that is very warm is  pleasant bonus. It means one less day of cold winter weather.


  1. These long dark nights are not good but those temperatures are impressive.

    1. They're pretty rare for this time of year but very nice.

  2. I do not enjoy dark nights and mornings. I get rather moody in the winter for its always dark. I look forward to Dec 21 and then we gain a moment or few every day as we head to spring. I like your warm temperatures. Seems rain and dark clouds have invaded us since the nor'easter and washing the snow banks away....but I want the sun to shine - I miss it. Have a good day :)

    1. I used to count days to Dec. 21. I don't anymore. Dark mornings and nights aren't as bad when you're retired.

  3. It worries me a bit all those unusual high tempertures all over the world....

    1. Those high temperatures worry me a lot.

  4. I really don't like how short the days are getting, and this will continue way into December! But mild days...that I do like very much. And I hope we have more of that for awhile to make winter feel as short as possible.

    1. Things come to an end here wed. when our high is minus 13.

  5. You are so lucky to get the Chinook Red. Hug B

    1. Some winters we get many chinooks. The temp rises rapidly when the chinook blows in.

  6. The days are so short and I do hate that. About the time I have finished chores there is no day light outside to go for a walk! We are going to get a cold norther in a day or two. Weather here has been heaven, so not looking forward to that!

    1. It's time for the bad stuff but we'll get used to it.

  7. I am one of those weirdos that loves the time change and it getting dark earlier - feels more Christmasy!!!

    1. Time change really isn't any big deal. there's still 24 hours in the day.

  8. The sun is just on the rise and I am headed out.Last night I got a UPS delivery and the poor guy had to use a flashlight to find my home.

    1. The poor UPS guys get to work long hours. I've seen them out at 9 PM.

  9. a nice warm autumn day to help carry you in to what comes next! :)

  10. We had a warm and windy day yesterday, too. It wasn't that warm, though. And the wind was fierce! I loved it. :-)

    1. Wed. we have a high forecast of minus 13!

  11. Enjoy this spot of war weather; not to be a gloomy Gus but it probably won't last. Stay warm.

    1. It only lasted one day. That's the way chinooks work . Sometimes they blow for several days.

  12. It's been a wonderful fall so far here too!
    Are you going to be affected by the big storm that's going to slam into the Aleutian? I hope not!
    We'll be right on the edge of it when it dips in the us....

    1. I haven't heard about an Aleutian storm but we aer getting Arctic air which is probably being pulled in be hind the Aleutian storm!!!

  13. We've experience Chinooks a few time in the Black Hills of South Dakota. The sudden and drastic temperature variants were quite incredible...:)

  14. Here we've had a relatively cool fall, with a lot of wet days. Today we have stray snowflakes.

  15. Well I know you had a very big snowfall that happened much too early (September?) so I'll try not to be envious of 17C while watching the huge, fluffy snowflakes falling outside my window. ;)
