Thursday, August 20, 2009

Major Error of Omission

     A few posts ago I wrote about the wonders of new potatoes and the first feed of new potatoes of the season. Well, I missed something. I got my priorities wrong. Potatoes might be good but they're not the best in my world. How could I forget about tomatoes?

     I've always liked tomatoes from my garden. I think it starts from my Mom's garden. Each fall Mom would have boxes of tomatoes in the house to ripen them. I would take two or three out of the box when I came home from school and go out to do my chores. Can you imagine a kid choosing tomatoes over cookies?

     Now I have ripe tomatoes about the first of August and eat them at least twice a day until they're gone in December. Sometimes they get ahead of me and I have to freeze them so I also have tomatoes for cooking in the winter. I also give away tomatoes to friends and neighbors.
One of my favorite tomato dishes is to layer cheese tomato and egg in a shallow pan Then I bake it. I will post the exact recipe later in this blog.

     So, now I feel more at ease that I have corrected a major error and my world is much better.

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