Thursday, January 17, 2013

How Do I Look on the Inside?

    I know how I look on the outside. Some hair is missing. Some hair is white. The face is wrinkled. Some large blotches are on my face because of sun exposure. I don't see as well as I did. My hearing is certainly impaired. A few of my teeth are missing. You know what I mean. We are familiar with our exterior appearance. Sometimes there's some disconnect with what's in our head as far as our looks are concerned compared to what we see in the mirror.  Seeing a recent picture of ourselves can really shock us sometimes.

    So my curiosity says I wonder what conditions are like on the inside. Do things have wrinkles? Do things turn color? It's hard to say if things turn color when we can't see them. Do things sag on the inside? Do things become misshapen like my mouth?  Do all things run tickety boo or are somethings a little stiff and misshapen like my hands?

    As one ages and you see the changes and  there comes a time when  you start to really wonder, " What's going on inside.?" I recently posted on Alzheimer's. How has our brain changed in a physical way? 

    For most of these things we never get a look. Now with modern technology we sometimes get a glimpse. A few years ago I had some kind of scope test where there was a good picture of my esophagus. There are supposed to be good healthy ridges which help to move the food down. The ridges on me are pretty well worn down and smooth. That was cool to see. By the way I don't have any trouble getting food down. So I started to think, "How many other parts  might be worn down?" 

    So I'm not serious about these conditions. I'm not worried. I'm just curious. I hope I don't make you worried. 


  1. you're right about being surprised when passing the mirror. and other than trying to exercise and watch my overall health, i've never really stopped to think about my organs aging and the like. hmmm.

    1. It's kind of a freaky thought! What goes on in there?

  2. I dread to think what I am like on the inside. I hope, no doubt optimistically, that things are better than on the outside.

    1. Cool! I feel the same. And if it's worse I'm in big trouble.

  3. Red... If you look as good on the inside as you do on the outside, you have nothing to worry about!

    1. I think I need a better camera and picture. Maybe I should lay off the photo shop.

  4. This was a neat post Red - I wouldn't worry too much about you. You are active and quite healthy at this age, and your inards must be aging well too, to allow you to do all you do.

    1. I guess we worry about what we can't see.

  5. Ha! I suspect that the entire organism wears out, a bit at a time, inside as well as outside. But you are doing just fine, it seems to me, Red. I sure do enjoy your posts. You are a curious man. :-)

    1. Yes, you're right . Everything wears about the same.

  6. There are so many other things to worry about. Mrs. C. is fascinated by the human body and should have been a doctor but me...not so much.

    1. Well, I hope I didn't give you the impression that I was worried...just curious.

  7. I may be a bit worn but tend to eat for a hobby sometimes

    1. The view of the esophagus was most surprising.

  8. I have stopped looking in mirrors and shop windows - and now you make me think about it, I have no intention of swallowing a camera to see what things are like inside.

    1. You may not have intentions to swallow a camera but some day you may have to swallow your pride and suffer one of these invasive procedures.
      I like your new photo.

  9. Curiosity is good. It often keep me going...:)

    1. Yes, we have to be curious of what's going on round us.

  10. Hmm, I really never thought about this. I've been more focussed on what's going on outside.

    Probably just as well I can't see what's going on inside!! :)

    1. Most of us are focused on the outside. Just the odd guy like me who wonders about the inside.

  11. Hummmm Now I haven't even given this a thought. I suppose if the outside wears down the inside must also. Getting to see it would be sort of cool.


    1. It's the slant I have on things. It makes it easier to deal with situations.

  12. I'm glad at the end you told me not to worry--ha. But I'll be just fine. Interesting questions.

    1. I'm glad that you can carry on without concern. Keep at it.

  13. My dear friend/mate.
    If you can still cross country ski in the freezing cold of Alberta ( which I wish would come here for at least
    a couple of hours!) there appears to be nothing that you should worry about.
    You have full capacity of your brain powers, you are fit - anyone who has to shovel snow from driveways
    must be fit!
    Goodness, I smoke and drink, have lived a rather (not sure how to put it), well young life on the wild side, but not
    becoming a "feral". Decency did come into it. So far so good in that department, I would REALLY have a
    heart attack if I got a knock on the door, with a "hello Daddy". A bit of the Mea Culpa there, eh?
    Well trooping around SE Asia as a young buck, did have certain interesting moments!!!!
    My main concern is my left side of the backbone, courtesy of polio at 2 years of age, then all that sport -
    athletics, tennis, surfing, swimming, horse riding in shows, plus football and my hopeless attempts at golf.

    Grey hair - yep but slowly, nothing receding, wrinkles all over, slowness yep. Got them all,
    but still able to get from A to B, etc.

    My two sisters and my brother, like me, are baffled when I go for my medical examinations.
    Everything on reports comes up as "rosy"?????????? Even my dear doctor wonders, but tests
    don't tell lies. Look out Methuselah! But my doctor has told me, I will just drop dead.
    That is the best way, I suspect???
    Now stop your worries.
    Now back in my heatwave sweat box - please viewers pray for rain for us down here.
    The situation is horrific.
    Colin ( Brisbane. Australia)

    1. Even in the summer our rain is cold. You need one of all day soaker.
      I think many people can look back and see things in the past they were risky. Young males are famous for taking risks.

  14. Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting. Thought I'd pop in and check out yours. I liked this post - very thought-provoking!

    1. thanks for dropping by Hiawatha House and following. I hope you find something interesting from time to time.

  15. P.S. I think I'll join up and follow your blog!

    1. I like Montana and my only regret is that I haven't spent enough time there.

  16. Red, on the inside as well as on the outside we change and get older. It's inevitable and perfectly normal. I guess until there is a problem, there is no need to worry about it. But it's all right to be curious! :)

    1. It's normal but very few people think about it.

  17. It is difficult to deal with the changes on the outside as we age. But I never thought about how our body changes on the inside. Very interesting post.

    1. Now I've really freaked you out! People are usually preoccupied with what they can see. When they can't see it it's ...out of sight out of mind.

  18. i had ultrasounds of all my babies when they were still in my belly..I saw their heart, their brain, their Gi tract everything..modern science is so amazing..I saw the inside of thier bodies...and I know it is what is inside that makes a person beautiful...outside looks are fluff!
    my husband had his 50 yr old inside checks..I am still passing...

  19. Sometimes I don't evern realize how old I am in numbers until I look in the mirror and see all those changes or my body reminds me when my knees ache or fingers get stiff that I'm not young anymore. I'm sure the old insides aren't as pretty as they used to be but I can't see them so I'm not going to worry. :)

  20. What, me worried?! With all my hospice clients, I know the reality.

    Cheers from Cottage Country!
