Saturday, June 7, 2014

And I Still Hate Garage Sales

        For the last two days I have been running a garage sale at my place. I have written before about my dislike of garage sales.

       The event actually covers much more than two days. Sorting has been going on for the last two years. In the basement things have been laid aside to go on a garage sale. Then everything had to be priced.

       So all the boxes were brought up from the basement. The first weekend the sale was scrubbed by the weather. It was rainy. This weekend the weather looked like it was good to go so everything was moved outdoors and the sale started at 1:00 PM . Things were very slow. Not many people were doing the garage sale thing.

      Since I don't have a garage, only a carport, I have to be careful with the weather or all my treasures could get wet. We covered the tables with plastic and a tarp. Other things were just put in the backyard. The forecast was for a very pleasant night.

Some of the treasures laid out for sale

More junk

Anybody want chairs?
  At 1:08 AM there was a big flash in my eyes. I jumped up and wondered what was the matter with my eyes. I gave my head a shake or two and nothing fell off. Then there was a loud peal of thunder directly overhead. That was a bad thing! So that explained the flash in my eyes. That was a good thing. So surprise ,surprise there was a thunderstorm. In fact, there were two thunderstorms. Thunderstorms occurred even though there was nothing in the forecast. So some of my treasures did get wet.

      So the garage sale marathon finally ended. Articles were sorted again. Some things would go in the garbage. Some things would go to a charity store. And some things went back in the house for another day when we have  garage sale.

      I'm looking ahead with dread to the next garage sale! Do any of you hate garage sales?


  1. No, I love them. We used to hold a street sale (and later a party) every year in my old neighbourhood. I head out to yard sales most Saturday mornings just for the fun of it.. mostly looking for books and whatever else I didn't know I needed. Too bad the weather didn't hold out for you. But 1:00 pm? Don't garage sales start early in the morning there like they do here?

    1. Weekdays we start after lunch and the weekend around ten. It's interesting to watch the browsers. There are also great visitors. I had an old motor cycle guy and he was a hoot.

  2. I love GOING to garage sales, but having them? Not so much. :-)

    1. I don't mind taking a peak at some of the nearby sales.

  3. I sometimes go to garage sales, but not often. I have never had one, but I did help set up and run an estate sale. It is a lot of work, and then you have to deal with all of the left overs.

    1. You're so right that they are a lot of work. After the sale you sort again. It's a long process.

  4. Good morning Red,
    We have garage sales over here, but I have never been to one. We have sold and bought things at car boot sales though. I love the buying part, but hate having strangers weighing up whether or not your personal stuff is worth buying. Sometimes it has to be done though eh? Enjoy your day. By the way, are there any venetian goblets in there anywhere?

    1. So far I haven't sold any really personal things. That's when there could be a change. I have no problem selling cars. Venetian goblets? There probably are some but not on my trap line.

  5. It sounds absolutely horrendous.

    1. After all the work there is some good visiting and some interesting characters show up.

  6. We don't know this here, only at Kingsday everybody can sell his things on the street in the whole country. We don't even have so many garages.:) People sell things on internet mostly now. Sad you had to bring in all the stuff again....

    1. We sorted and some things will be sent to charity. Now we start the next level of getting rid of things.

  7. I hate garage sales. I would rather give things away than sell them - AARG, will never, I say never - have a garage sale. I usually just put things at the end of the driveway with a FREE sign on it and trust me, most items don't last more than 12 minutes. Did I say I hate garage sales Sir Red. he,he

    1. We just had a kick it to the side walk week end. Stuff goes to the curb and you can pick it up. I get it that you don't like garage sales!!!

  8. I greatly dislike garage sales, and always have. I decided long ago that I have enough junk of my own - I don't need to buy someone else's !!

    1. Junk seems to collect and we don't even realize it.

  9. i don't even like to stop at them! i feel like i'm prying into someone's lives and judging their worth by their junk! :)

    1. I visit 2 or 3 sales a year. I don't look on it in any personal way.

  10. Yup, I hate garage sales with a passion. Every year there is a neighbourhood garage sale on my street where every household here is invited to participate. We never do. And we never will. Most of the stuff we don't want ends up in the trash (if it's truly trash), and the rest ends up given away to charity. A few extra bucks isn't going to do much for us, but a few donations can make a big difference for someone else. My parents didn't like them either, and since we lived in a big city and it didn't take much effort to find new homes for our stuff, he'd simply place them in front of the house, put a sign saying 'free' and they'd disappear within the hour!

    1. The free thing really works. I saw little trucks patrol the streets looking for the free stuff.

  11. The chairs are what caught my eye. I'll take them all.

    1. You gottem! 15 bucks for four cahars!

    2. I do know how to spell chairs!

  12. I must say that appears to be the most organized garage sale I've seen.

    1. Well thanks. It helps the sales if you can lay things out so that they are easily visible.

  13. I used to love having garage sales..but now when one of my kids mentions they might be having one I just much WORK! I do love antique and flea markets!

    1. Yes, antiques are a more specialized sale. Garage sales you can never tell what might be there.

  14. Oh, no! Such bad luck. I've visited my fair share of sales, but I'm getting tired of schlepping stuff from someone else's house to mine and back out again!

    1. I get the felling that people are buying things they don't need and will have to get rid of later.

  15. How many have said same as you. No Garage sales.
    I mean they come in hand Garage sales. The rest we did same as you said. Then others plain said no. Some time s Charity gets finicky. We had that. I wanted to give away some tapes, Of course they said no. It could be you know the wrong kind. I said believe me these are not them. So he said sorry take to the radio station down the street. . So off we trotted. They appreciated them. What do I say.

    I had to eat my words many a times. Oh not good with the boom of thunderstorms though. We had that. That is Canada.

    1. Your right that it's a good way to gt rid of things we don't need.

  16. Oh absolutely. I never go to them unless I am frogmarched and manhandled to appear at one of them and I NEVER had one myself yet.

    But I do have an awful lot of stuff I would like to get rid of.

    1. You are hanging on with your treasures. If you can downsize before somebody has to do the nasty job for you.

  17. I hate organizing a garage sale, but I do rather love going to them. I would have come to yours, Red.

  18. Yep, I hate garage sales - but have an admiration for people able to repurpose garage sale finds. With about 30 years of accumulated STUFF in my attic, I desperately need to have one myself - but swear clear of going to them. I do not need any more STUFF.

  19. Well I missed my sale but my husband did great! He got rid of lots of junk! I think most of what is left over will be donated too:..garage sales are lots of work:)
