Friday, July 4, 2014

An Ipad Mini

      I recently came to possess a sleek, shiny new ipad mini!

      Now I've been here before. I got an ipod a couple of years ago. It took a long time before I conquered that little ipod.  I thought I might have to get a kid to help me, but no way I figured things out  by myself.

      Now the ipad mini does an amazing number of things. It does more than my old tower computer and a lot faster. I'm looking forward to doing all (well some of them) the cool things an ipad can do.

    Now this time I'm not going to play the hero and set up everything on my own. No sir! I've got a very good self help book form the library. You know the ones that have dummies in the title.

Side by side!

    I'm also going to do something quite brilliant.. Well, brilliant may not be the best word. Our library has a special staff member to help people with computer issues. Yes, I'm going to make an appointment and have this ipad set up so that it will do everything except wash the dishes.

I think I'm going to do a post on the ipad!


  1. You are just too funny - my husband says he'll never have a cell phone, but he's interested in getting an iPad to use in his airplane! LOL

    1. There must be some hot apps for flying that can be downloaded to the ipad.

  2. oh, good for you for seeking out help! yay!

    1. Imagine that! A male asking for help. And this librarian is female too!

  3. Good luck with it. It's always entertaining having a new machine to play with.

    1. And this will entertain me for a long time.

  4. I am interested in how you like it! So I will await a report:)

  5. I have one too, it is very addictive to sit on the sofa and to check your blog or the news or doing games. Not necessary to start up your computer. But for posting I still use my computer with the photos on it. Wish you lots of fun with it.

    1. I won't get wi fi at the house as I will plug it into a USB to get on the net in the house, but I like your idea.

  6. I just know you are going to have sooooo much fun and when you realize just how much you can do with your ipad, you will amaze yourself just how much power and fun is packed into Apple's products. Have fun, refer to the manual and ask questions. Have lots of fun Red. You can count on me too :)

    1. I've found the manual on line...124 pages! It amazes me how much a little thing like that can do.

  7. Fun! I have an iPad, and am not sure what the difference is between it and the mini - but it's one of my most very favorite toys! Good luck getting it set up, and I look forward to your first mobile post.

    1. There are a few versions of ipad of which I know nothing.

  8. I am envious. I have an old fashioned full size iPad and have coveted the little ones, although I have no real need. I love my iPad and look forward to your post about yours, Red. :-)

    1. It's amazing how much they do. There's a web cm and a digital camera! Amazing!

  9. Grab a neighbor kid, they often can show you it all

    1. After being a middle school teacher all my career, I know all about using kids.

  10. Oh your blog is Smarts as how about your going to learn. My hubby said he would never get a Cellphone and he has. he just touches it so lightly. To answer or get his names he is phoning.

    I am the one who said I would never speak on it.

    He puts it on speaker so I can hear my daughter talking. It is neat.

    Only dumb me. First time. Held it up to my ear and cut her off. She phones back. Mom what the heck did you do.

    Now it is fab. I set it on the bed or on my computer desk. Don't even have to handle it. I guess the saying is right. You can teach an old gal or old guy new ricks. Whew woo.

    My daughter in-law has the large Ipad. Do you have to have another expense from your sever for to use that that? She has the large Ipad she is a cake designer and it is really nice to see her work in large when she completes her orders for her clients..

    1. I won't get wifi at the house. That's what costs you the extra money.

  11. I have an I-Pad 1 and i use it every day. I know you'll enjoy yours once you break it in.

  12. I just got a Nook and have a Kindle Fire....please do not make me drool over you I-pad~~

  13. I love my ipad and you will too. It's not hard to use at all. Can't wait to hear how it works for you.

    1. People report the same as you that it's easy to use. The ipod is certainly easy to use.

  14. I love my iPad. I am commenting on your blog right now with it! I love the games and apps you can get for free!
    You will love yours.

    1. So I will have something to occupy me all day!

  15. I got my first smart pn\hone, an iPhone, just last September. I love it. I taught myself how to use it, but I'm sure it can do many more things than I use it for. Having voice and texting, email and internet in my pocket is still just amazing to me.

  16. Sounds like fun. And you're certainly way ahead of me! I don't have any of these gizmos and gadgets, and I'm quite lost when I use someone else's.

  17. Congratulations on the Ipad mini! I think that you will truly enjoy it. I have an ipad, and and iphone and I love them.

  18. I must ask if our local library offers the same service yours does. I think I would find it easier to ask a stranger than my 10 year old grandchild. How do they get to know so much? I love my tablet but it does frustrate me at times.

  19. Good for you! I'm sure you will have fun with it. I am looking forward to seeing more from you!

  20. If you manage to post a blog on a mini-ipad I shall be very impressed. I find using my ordinary iPad quite a challenge for blogging because of the need to transfer pictures from my camera. Hopefully having now installed a cloud drive on the router (basically an NAS drive) it will be easier here but still not when I'm travelling which is when I need the iPad most..
