Monday, December 29, 2014

I've Been Rejuvenated!

     Well, rejuvenated  could be applied to many topics but I want to relate it to my health.

     I turned 75 this year and a year ago at this time I wasn't doing very well. I was having problems with my right leg. The symptoms were general and non specific , but I was definitely in pain and the leg had become weak. I had trouble getting out of  chair. I thought this is it. I'm facing a disaster. At the best, a cane might help. I even looked at canes in the store. I also had problems getting up off the floor. It was an effort.

    Now in March last year I finally booked in for some physiotherapy. The diagnosis they gave me made sense. The prescription of stretching and exercise made sense. They sent me on my way and I was to do what I was told. So do you think I did what I was told? No! I was to do 12 reps 4 times a day. I didn't do it. Once a day but not 4 times. Guess what? I didn't have much improvement. It finally occurred to me that when she said 12 reps 4 times a day, she meant it.

   I started to do more stretches and exercise. I started  to see improvement. I worked harder. You guessed it . I improved but I was still not back to normal.

   Now I was 75 so I thought some of the problems were due to aging and they could be. But does aging have to be an excuse? I had to push myself up out of a chair. Getting up off the floor was a huge problem.

    I found some more exercises to do. Now I am proud to say I get out of any chair without using arms. I just pop up out of the chair. I also get up off the floor just using legs. No hands Ma!

   So I proved to myself that old age was not my problem. I was probably slowly sliding into this condition over a number of years. I can't remember when I started needing assistance with arms to get up or out of a chair. Yes, I know other things could come along but I am very happy I put in effort to get back into shape. Shoveling snow is much easier this winter. Skating goes better. Last year I quit walking altogether. This winter I do lots of walking and at a very brisk pace.

   I am going to keep working at this because I feel much better when I'm stronger.



  1. I am glad that you are making improvements. Keep up the good work!

    1. At this stage of my life things could fall apart in a hurry.

  2. Good job, Red! I know that exercise works! And I need to get back to my regimen.

    1. It seems to work better if we have a routine.

  3. Way to go Red! I would love to be able to get up off the floor without using my hands. The chair is no problem...we go to an oriental class usually once a week..Tai Chi but that is probably not spelling correctly. It is all about stretching and making your core stronger:)

    1. Classes are a really good way to keep fit as it's easier with others. Funny that in Arizona resorts they have early morning stretches and most of them attend.

  4. Your blog reminds me that you cannot stop moving. Some days I am not motivated to get out. But reading your words will remind me to get up and get out.

    1. We're told regularly to keep active but it's a struggle.

  5. Glad you are doing better. I hope you improve even more in 2015.

    1. I hope to keep on doing what I'm doing on a regular basis.

  6. Well done. There is rarely gain without pain.

  7. You are a healthy senior, keep going.

    1. Thanks. there's a lot of luck goes along with it. we have to have some good genes.

  8. Hallelujah Brother - You are rejuvenated!!!! It is very true that we slip as we get older. I love to "brisk" walk and will take my older dog for his slow walk, bring him home and then go for my walk. We are fortunate that in icy, snowy weather we can go to the walking/running track at our Arena, so I can walk all winter when there are no sidewalks and lots of ice. I would like to learn some of your stretching exercises - can you email me some info. I sure would appreciate it. If we are capable, then we should stay fit as long as we can. I call it "enjoying life". Take care n hello to MM :)

    1. I like your hallelujah brother. I recommend that you google for stretches and fitness. If you want ti stretch quads google. they will have a diagram and description. An interesting thing I found is that there are two stretches for the calf. Tendons are connected in the middle so you have lower muscles and upper muscles. this should make sense to a nurse?

  9. Nice to have a trainer sometimes help us. Happy New Year Red

    1. Trainers are awesome. all the best of 2015.

  10. I can get off the floor without using my hands if I'm sitting on my heels, but I need one if I'm sitting cross legged. I exercise almost every day, as you know, and it makes a huge difference. Congratulations on getting stronger! It does take effort, but you've found it works. :-)

    1. You've given me the nest step or two steps. ..get up from sitting. Following in the snow can be a fight to get up. You're right about the strength.

  11. Do not go gently into that good night, but go screaming and stretching and dancing and fighting.

    1. Love your comment. Many sort of just give up and sit there.

  12. just wonderful, red. stubbornness can be healthy. :) you have a good will.

    1. You need the pants scared off you once in a while.

  13. I will say thanks for this post because I needed it! Well, I've fallen off my regular walking routine and need to get back on it. I've experienced some of the same issues you had. So, I'm encouraged to get going again. Thank you for the comment over on my blog. As to your question, I don't know if things were recorded somewhere or not. I suspect they were but finding them might take some time. I have found many old cards for which I can find no current information, so some things remain sort of a mystery.

    1. Walking in the winter can be interrupted by icy sidewalks. You certainly set yourself up with some mysteries.

  14. Well done! Hubby is working hard at keeping himself well for when he has further cancer treatments. He put his back out and it's been bad. each time, the exercises help. PHysiotherapists are gods to me!

    1. You are so right about physiotherapists. they should be covered under health care. I wish your hubby well in increasing strength and fitness as cancer treatment can be brutal.

  15. Your determination to stay in shape and not give in the the ailmends of age are an inspiration.

    1. there are too many active things I like to do. I can't wait for spring and cycling again.

  16. That's wonderful! We underestimate the importance - and great benefits - of exercise!

    1. Hey, I didn't recognize you with the short hair! Looks good on ya! It's probably one of the most important things to do.

  17. Hey, this is such an encouraging post. I'm afraid to try getting up off the floor using just my legs. Bet I can't do it. That scares me. I need figure out which exercises to start doing. Thank you!

    1. Check with your buddy Google. You'll find all kinds of good things to do.

  18. Congratulations, and just what I want to hear as a New Year approaches. Peter and I, like you, are in our seventies and both very conscious that no one is more interested in keeping us fit than ourselves! We are trying to keep as healthy as possible so that we can enjoy life to the full. We've made great improvements through changes to our diet.- so far it's working!

    1. Hey, I didn't mention diet but that is very important. Two people have to work on diet and it's the same for exercise. Thanks for visiting Hiawatha House.

  19. Well done Red!! Strength is I believe the best medicine for what ails our bodies (and yes the diet too I suppose)
    You've done so well and reaping the rewards!
    Happy New year and may 2015 see you in continued good health. :)

  20. A couple of posts back you were writing about these:

  21. So glad to hear things have improved for you. I have a 75-yo lady in my yoga class who puts the rest of us to shame!

  22. Good for you. It must feel fantastic to have regained that strength.

    Happy New Year, Red. :)

  23. Yae, Red!!! I'm so very happy for you! Yes. I do know that exercises and continued motion is good for us. I've been so grateful to physical therapy for myself too.
