Monday, October 12, 2015

Thanksgiving Meal

    We are used to the traditional Thanksgiving dinner. We still have a traditional meal. We don't have a turkey as it's about 5 times too much for us. We've found that turkey breasts are marketed and are about the right size. So I'll show you my plate and you can see what we had for the Thanksgiving feast.

     Now I know I wouldn't get much for presentation on this plate, but it was really tasty! I didn't go back for seconds because at this age I don't have that kind of appetite anymore.

    I know that many people do not have a special dinner and if they do have a dinner it's far from the traditional. If it's still nice,  many people will barbecue. I've had alternate dinners and although they are good, I prefer the traditional foods.

   How about you? Do you skip the traditional dinner? Do you have your dinner at a restaurant? Do you have an alternative kind of dinner or do you have the standard dinner? 

    I hope all Canadians have had a very good Thanksgiving weekend.


  1. We have a traditional turkey dinner with all the trimmings. and always with family members. The size and location of the gathering depends on who is available and who is doing the cooking.

    1. You're fortunate to have family in your area for a great celebration. Keep it up.

  2. You look as if you did yourselves proud.

  3. I like to have a traditional meal if I can and usually cook it and have relatives over though now & then I get invited to someone else dinner. If I can I really prefer to have traditional meals at my house and enjoy having others join me. Today we had a traditional meal. My guests ate a lot more than usual and so did I. It was extra tasty this year. I don't normally say that about my own cooking, lol. I'm glad you enjoyed your traditional meal.

    1. It's great that you had people to share your festive meal and that you enjoyed it immensely.

  4. Interestingly I don't have any set traditional meals any more: not even at Christmas.

    1. Things change and that's okay as you probably substitute it with something else.

  5. I have standards i want to eat, so that leaves a lot of leftovers if i don't find hungry people.A tradition I have is always to look for someone who doesn't have a place to go for either holiday.

    1. You have a great idea to find somebody to share with.

  6. I too hope that Canadians had a great Thanksgiving, and I look forward to ours next month. We have a very nice meal here in our home, gifted by salmon from my fisherman friend instead of turkey. We skip the dessert, though, since we both don't know how to stop once we get started. :-)

    1. I've had salmon for Thanksgiving. My non traditional daughter cooked that one.

  7. Ten years ago, we had to share the kids with in-laws and out-laws. Then we moved. For years we just didn't do one. Happily, this has changed.

    1. Yes, there are times we've omitted celebrations when the kids were gone. Now we are used to celebrating on our own.

  8. I do love traditional foods because many of them we do not eat at other times of the year. We will be eating in a restaurant for our TG this year for the first time in forever.

    1. I never thought about only eating some things on certain days. Yes I only have cranberries with turkey.

  9. Until I read this post I had no idea that Canadians have their own Thanksgiving Day - celebrating the end of English tyrrany no doubt. I love most foods - traditional or not.

    1. We do have independence and no hard feelings!!! After all, my wife is English.

  10. Your plate looks exactly like mine will look for Thanksgiving except maybe not carrot salad, and I'm not sure what the thing that looks like watermelon is.
    And where is your dessert? I will definitely be having some pie.

    1. The "thing" is watermelon. Carrot salad is a favorite. I think we had ice cream but no pie! Now do you have the same pattern of dishes???

  11. We've also given up on the entire turkey. A roasted breast lasts us a couple of days and works just fine, and no carcass to dispose of.

  12. I had dinner with friends. None of us are that fond of turkey (it seems to take forever to chew the white meat!), so the cooks in our circle went with a roast.

    1. Roast sounds great. We had salmon one year.

  13. Looks good to me! We usually do a whole turkey and usually it is left overs for the freezer too! It all depends who is hosting...but Turkey is the tradition:)

    1. You really need 10 or 12 to do justice to a turkey. I don't care for turkey leftovers.

  14. We always have a traditional dinner, although I like to cook smaller portions the way you do at your place. Unless all the extended family is here; then I cook more. Because we are renovating our home this fall and we are so exhausted, this year we went out to dinner. Both my husband and I needed the break!

    1. ...and I'll bet you enjoyed your dinner out. We talk about eating out once in awhile but never have eaten out.

  15. Your plate looks delicious and a lot like my plate looks on Thanksgiving. A turkey breast is just right for the two us. When all the family comes here then we cook a whole turkey. I'm hoping to have them all here this Thanksgiving. Hope yours was special.

    1. We did have a good day. Yes you need 10 or 12 people to deal with a turkey

  16. Red your meal looks perfect just the way it is! There's nothing that beats a home cooked meal.

    I wasn't going to do anything for Thanksgiving but my son and his wife suggested we do up a brunch at their place so brunch it was and we all contributed. I brought the perogies and desserts, my son and his wife did up a ham and potatoes by death or something like that (they were delicious), we had a fruit tray, and cesar salad and all was delicious, not totally traditional but it just may become a new tradition. We ate at 2pm which covers both lunch and dinner so it worked out perfect for all of us with the kids all having to work the following day.

    Wishing you a fantastic rest of the week, back to my job search!

    1. Now do you have a dish pattern like that. We had these dishes forever. Good luck on the job search.

  17. Nothing wrong with your presentation Red. It looks delicious! We will be having our Thanksgiving next month when we will be with our family. I like the traditional foods on special holidays. We will have the turkey and cranberry sauce, along with potatoes and sweet potatoes, carrots, and asparagus. Everyone brings a dish so they know they will have something they will like. We have vegans also and they will definitely be bringing their own food which is usually very tasty. Pumpkin Pie for dessert also.

  18. The weather was nice here. Sid and I took a late afternoon picture take for Fall pictures at the scenic view. I put pictures up on my blog day ago or more but I had a beef. As you may read. Then the kids did not come up. They all were cleaning up the last at cottages till next summer. Raking leaves and locking up. So hubby and I went to a neat family Restaurant called the Mill Pond.

    I had Cesar salad and a beef sandwich. I skipped the gravy and the fires. Matter of fact when I got it. The roast beef was at least a pound. So brought half home. Your right. We cannot eat like we used too. Your meal looked great Red,

  19. Hi Red, Your Thanksgiving dinner plate looked great to me. I would have chosen exactly the same items. Is that a tomato juice there? I hope so because I love tomato juice. Low sodium V8 is even better when combined with some fresh lime juice and a touch of pepper sauce. Unfortunately, we will not celebrate Thanksgiving until November 26th. Well, I like Canada's date better! :-)

  20. Happy Thanksgiving, Red! Sorry I missed the exact day. We still do the traditional meal here. I would have a revolt on my hands if I tried anything different.
