Tuesday, January 30, 2018


     In recent days a cartoon with a pendulum showing females suffering the results and the swing now showing males being caught.

    The pendulum is a good metaphor to show how the present situation has changed and that men are paying a price for their behavior. The pendulum tries to bring up the idea of a balance.  

     I'm not sure that there is any way to think of a balance in this situation. Both males and females lose a tremendous amount in this situation. Females lose physically, emotionally and it carries on throughout life. Males lose their position and power. They are very different types of losses and I don't see a comparison or equality in the situation. 

     People have been talking about a balance? I'm not sure what that balance would be. When the behavior is taken out of the courts and reported on line any control the justice system had is gone.

    The other point is that inappropriate behavior still goes on. With recent reporting of assaults people think that might put a stop to it. It won't. There will be many males who still behave in a very inappropriate manner. 

    One of the comments in my last post mentioned that we have to look at each other as people rather than male/female. We should look at ourselves as people with characteristics describing character and ability. I like this idea although it is so huge that it will never happen. 

    I hope that we do move to a situation where there is less sexual assault and that there is a more definite understanding by all as to what various behaviors are.


  1. I very much agree with your words Red. I was brought up surrounded by strong women and knew nothing of inequality from personal experience until I was into adulthood. My mother always maintained that men and women could never be equal because they were too different. However on the matter of equal opportunity and respect her views were strong and unequivocal.

    1. Equal opportunity and respect are what it's all about.

  2. I think the balance is more in the balance of power and the abuse of power a male boss has.
    I experienced some, spoke to a female above him, and had it resolved.

    1. Yes, balance and equality but the pendulum cartoon was on penalties paid.

  3. Replies
    1. Yes, balance of power. the cartoon was on people who pay the price.

  4. You said it very well, Red. It is swinging towards the perpetrators but you are right, it will continue and will swing the other way eventually.

    1. Somehow we have to get it in our heads that equality matters.

  5. I agree with Jenn. It is about abuse of power and when that is gone there will be better balance.

    1. Yes , the want of power is what brings about inappropriate behavior

  6. Of course it is all pretty important but to me it seems like a First World issue. I would rather people focus upon what's going on in Yemen, South Sudan and Syria. Get hot under the collar about that before you get hot under the collar about Hollywood predators.

    1. This is wider than Hollywood predators. However there are serious problems in the areas you name and they are about inequality and despicable behavior.

  7. while ever there is humanity there will be inequality and abuse of all kinds but just because it is inevitable doesn't mean we shouldn't make efforts to stop it. Every improvement we make gives us more room to make the next one and gradually we can close some gaps

    1. Yes, change can come but it will be slow.

  8. I think it is so sad especially the girls gymnastic team. I don’t understand how he hurt so many girls and no one spoke up I find it troubling that our society does not protect children more. Kids are not safe anyplace anymore. I give the Hollywood people a pass, that is a different can of worms and if they were all adults with bad judgement. ....oh well

  9. I agree one hundred percent of you comment on "balance". As to you previous response to my previous comments power being as much the problem for males as sex and young males being more and issue of biology and stupidity... I done one condone nor excuse that in the least. Stupidity and violent aggression may be slightly excused in wartime but men of any age are never justified in attacking a women who says No!
