Tuesday, February 19, 2019


     I love my province of Alberta, Canada. It has many great assets for fine living. We have beautiful mountain scenery. We have vast tracts of rich farmland. We are blessed with much oil and gas.

     However, with oil and gas as the main resources the economy can go from boom to bust and it has. This industry also has a bad name when it comes to environmental issues.

    We have a number of issues right now. Resource prices are down. We are very short of pipe lines to send our oil to the coast. We are in tough times.

    Now when troubled times hit us some people go off the deep end. We have people going off the deep end now. They are determined to blame someone for the situation and they think that blaming someone will automatically bring about a solution.

    So a small group decided to become yellow jackets under the guise of supporting pipelines even though they are radical right wingers. They are actually racists. Another small group here wants to separate Alberta from Canada. A third group wants pipe lines right now no matter what. Just wave the wand and build pipe lines.

    Somehow these groups got together and said lets have a truck convoy to Ottawa. So everybody jumps in their big trucks to drive to Ottawa tooting their horns all the way.

   Along the way they've been able to create some exaggerated stories about their size. There were only 120 trucks. Some dropped out and others joined. They reported many people waving in support along the highway....Imagination. They used the same photos to show these people.

    So they get to Ottawa and there's a mixed and confused message. It seems like the racists made the biggest noise.

   Since I preach about lying being so terrible , here's another example where they manufacture a cause and keep it going with all kinds of games. Throw in a little fiction and make yourself look good.

   Now some of them are in Ottawa they suddenly find themselves short of money to get back home!

   Maybe we should leave them in Ottawa. On the other hand they probably aren't wanted there so somebody will help them get back home.

   We have issues but this group is loony and going about things in the wrong way.


  1. I heard something recently about Alberta wanting to become it's own country!
    We have pipeline radicals down here too, carrying signs and carrying on...I said "I will take them seriously when they go to protests on horseback." :)

    1. The pipe line people have been careless with safety and the careless pipeline leaks are what's causing the problems.

  2. ...whatever problems you folks have in Canada, just think about what it would be like to deal with our bozo President.

    1. I hear ya! But since we are such close neighbors we get in on some of your pain.

  3. I bet that Donald Trump would applaud their cause and their tactics. "Build The Pipeline" is rather like "Build the Wall". I hope that the numbskulls don't discover the location of Red's Lair.

    1. The "numbskulls" operate exactly like Trump and like him. They will never go to Red'd favorite places!

  4. The yellow jackets seems to go worldwide. Here we have them too, they are simply against everything. The world is becoming very querulously...

    1. I don't think any of these people would be happy if they got exactly what they wanted.

  5. Hello, the pipelines do cause a lot of disputes. We have seen many pipelines leaking and becoming a huge environmental problem. I can see both sides of the story. I think people should be allowed to protest in a peaceful well thought-out way. Wishing you a happy day!

    1. Because of leaks and spills strict regulations have been put on pipelines. They're getting what they deserve. Unfortunately others get hurt.

  6. Sorry, Keith, we're sending them back! There was crowdfunding, of about $80,000, I read. Hopefully, they'll leave us.
    I wondered if you were going to write about this! They did themselves a video. I really don't understand it.

    1. One guy crowd source for about 130000 and apparently he's not sharing. There could be a rumble in the jungle.

  7. I guess there isn't anywhere one can go to get rid of the loonies. They are everywhere. Good thing there are people in Alberta like you, Red! I mean it, really. :-)

  8. I'm surprised to read about the craziness happening there too. Why did I think Canada was immune? Of course it's not. But I was so hoping that sanity prevailed somewhere on our beautiful earth. We had been thinking of escaping to Canada if our lunatic president is re-elected. Now I'm wondering if there is anyplace to run?

    1. The very few lunatics can make a lot of noise. Most of us are like you think. You have too much to loose to leave your country.

  9. I can tell you that we don't want these guys around here.

    1. Well, I thought they might give some interesting photo ops!

  10. I didn't know you had this phenomenon in Canada as well. Join the club! But seriously, many people (including those in the oil and gas industry) are hurt by a developing economy that is making their livelihood outmoded. You gotta expect them to be angry and defensive. What we should do (imho) is not hate them and insult them, but support them, retrain them, give them new opportunities and a stake in the future.

    1. They are going to have to accept your plan at sometime.

  11. Loonies seem to be on the loose everywhere these days. People want what they want, they want it now, and they think the way to get it is to lie and yell louder than the other side (or blow their air horns).

    1. The blowing of air horns is disgusting. They went though our city about a month ago. The noise was terrible.

  12. I feel your pain! It is so easy to complain instead of coming up with real solutions.

    1. Some of these people are very simplistic and then throw in more ignorance. They do not accept reality.

  13. Complaining doesn't solve problems. People need to learn to communicate with each other to come to a solution about the issues that they want to change.

    1. You're right. there has to be a lot of give and take.

  14. Replies
    1. They know how to make a lot of noise and attract attention but it's not going to do them any good.

  15. I thought right-wing wackos only lived in the US. Sorry you Canadians have to deal with them too.

  16. Everyone seems to think that independence will automatically bring prosperity. Nothing is ever that simple.

  17. Hmmmm...in every part of the world I'm thinking :(

  18. Ah, the crusaders. Seems there's no shortage of them anywhere. This has been all over the news. I ran across it on Facebook.

  19. They must be taking lessons in obnoxiousness from our "build that wall!" US citizens and their president.
