Tuesday, July 2, 2019


     Never forget to put the coffee pot on the coffee maker. I know it's happened to many people but when it happens to me it's a disaster.

    When I get breakfast I tend to be on automatic pilot of on a strict routine. I like to have my mind cleared to think about other things rather than making breakfast. So if the routine breaks down it can be a problem.

   In my breakfast routine the first thing I do is put the coffee on. The coffee is ready by the time I'm ready for toast and coffee. If you're not careful water spills on the counter when you're filling the coffee maker. So you wipe up the water before turning on the coffee maker. 

    Well some how or other I put the coffee pot on the counter instead of in the coffee maker. 

     I made my breakfast and was nearly finished eating when I noticed a big brown puddle on the counter. Oh yes. I got up quickly. I turned off the coffee maker and started frantically wiping up coffee. It seems like everything I did things got worse. When the pot isn't in the machine, the little valve that lets the coffee go to the pot isn't open. The filter basket fills with water. The coffee grounds float to the top and then coffee starts to overflow from the basket. The coffee slowly and silently spills onto the counter before you notice it. I thought I'd move the coffee maker to the sink. I didn't know what was going on so things really started to flow and I had a big mess on the way to the sink as well as on the counter.

     Well, after many paper towels and dish cloths I finally got things wiped up. It seems like coffee grounds are left all over the place. 

    So it's time to check my routine to see that the coffee pot gets to where it's supposed to go.

    Hey, no damage to the coffee pot!



  1. It's good the pot is still in one piece. The glass coffeepots leave you high and dry if you run into the faucet a little too hard. No coffee at all when that happens! It sounds like you got quite a bit of exercise before you even ate breakfast :)

    1. Yes, I imagine that would be a bit of a surprise.

  2. Oh my! Did you get it cleaned up before the Micro Manager came in for breakfast? My husband has done something very similar to that. I've had days like that where it seems everything I touch goes wrong. Here's hoping tomorrow is smooth sailing starting with the coffee!

    1. We both got in on the act to bail things out.

  3. Mrs Kline enters kitchen...
    MICRO-MANAGER What the hell have you done now Keith you twerp!
    RED I'm so sorry honey. I-I didn't mean to do it.
    MICRO-MANAGER There's coffee everywhere! You are losing your marbles my dear!
    RED Whaddya mean?
    MICRO-MANAGER Well. When I sent you to the supermarket yesterday you forgot the eggs and when you got back you left the car keys in the ignition...and now this! A lake of coffee all over my kitchen.
    RED Lake? I think that is an exaggeration my darling!
    MICRO-MANAGER Do not answer me back! And get outside to sit on the naughty step while I clean up. And you can damned well stay there till I tell you you can get up!
    RED Oh no! Not the naughty step again!
    (Keith steps outside with his chin on his chest)

    1. Hey , a new play write. Well half of what you say is bang on and the other half is fiction. I think the swearing was at least a nine out of ten!!!

  4. I am also someone who loves my morning routine. I sometimes forget to turn off the burner under the teapot and when I go in there later, it's red hot and the kitchen is very warm. Glad everything is okay, Red. :-)

    1. We had just started using this new coffee maker.

  5. Like you, Red, we also enjoy our morning coee and the routine here is that Grenville sets up the coffee and then sets the timer to auto so that it's ready by the time we wake up. He's never forgotten to put the pot under, but once or twice did so without water being added and more than once forgot to set the auto-on. In short, we've all done foolish things and groused at the coffee maker...or ourselves. Glad the unit was OK and hopefully still making coffee.

    1. I've also done the no water thing. The hot smell tells you something is wrong.

  6. Oops!

    Or you could do what I do, and not drink coffee.

    1. No thanks! I realize that very little of the world has the morning coffee.

  7. That was a bad start to the day for someone who values his morning coffee.

    1. Yes , but I survived. I left it to the next day to make sure it had dried out.

  8. Wow, Red, what an episode. Is that what they call a "critical" error? :-) Bet you won't let that happen again. :-)

  9. Well . I'll try my best to not do this one again.

  10. My husband has a one cup maker and his cup is always returned there or it is a mess too:)

  11. And nice clean counters after it all. WE have all done this!!

  12. What a big mess! I bet you don’t make that mistake again for a good long time.

  13. Oh no! Sounds like an easy mistake to make, but with severe consequences! I think I’ve done that before with my mom’s coffee machine, actually.

  14. ...thanks for the heads up, but I NEVER drink coffee!

  15. I couldn't help but smile at this one. I have had some similar happenings in our house but I am the only one who drinks coffee :)

  16. How not to start your day. Hope it went on smoothly after that mishap. :)

  17. Oh, the things that happen. Have done this and used a good portion of paper towels.

    Over from Bill Burke.
