Wednesday, October 23, 2019


      On Sept . 12, I wrote that we were having an election on Oct. 21 and that I wasn't going to say anything about elections on this blog. I kept that promise so it's my time to say something.

      Well the election is over. Some how or other most people are unhappy and some people are downright angry. I don't understand why. We live in a very good country. We have a strong economy, lots of employment , some awesome social programs and some people are so angry that they want to separate from Canada. 

     We elect 338 parliament members. We have a first past the post system . So whoever gets the most votes wins. We have a proportional representation. 

   We have three major parties and two small parties. 

   The campaign was disgusting...too many outright lies.  The parties didn't do much to tell us what their policies would be although I didn't follow much.

    The incumbent party (Liberals) won the most seats but not enough for an outright majority so we have a minority parliament. The conservative party of Canada came second. The liberal party will have to walk a fine line and get support from other parties to govern. Sometimes minority parliaments get lots of good things done because they have to cooperate to stay in power and besides people don't want another election right away.

    People are really whiny . They all seem to want their own little goodies and the hell with anyone else.

     So political junkies are having fun talking about what may happen. 

     What should happen is that many parliament members need a good push to come to their senses and do what benefits the whole of Canada.


  1. Would that our country had such a system, where the minority party can still govern with the help of smaller parties. Here it seems to be winner take all, and nobody is happy here, either. :-(

    1. We do have more room to maneuver with 5 parties. We need someone who comes up with an extremely ethical leadership.

  2. Gosh! Nothing is easy in politics is it? On the other hand, you're lucky you don't have to deal with our president right now.

  3. ...I have many Canadian friends and some of them seem to enjoy whining about their politicians. Be thankful that you don't live in the US right now.

    1. The divisions are frightening and we have divisions here as well.

  4. I heard it was a nasty campaign though i didn't watch much of it. It's hard for anyone to do the research about platforms when several of the major parties (PC and NDP) didn't release their budgets until a day or two before the election. I know Albertans aren't happy because they think the PM is against oil and gas. Quebecers aren't happy with anyone and the Bloc got so many seats this time it will make it hard for our PM an the government. I pray for peace. People never seem to appreciate the good things that have happened (increased to Child Tax Benefits, increases to OAS), much movement forward on the national Pharmacare program). All good things take time.

    1. You're right that we are very fortunate to live in a great country. It's hard to understand why some people are so extremely upset here.

  5. I have heard it said that in be best compromise, no one is completely happy. But then compromise seems to be a dirty word these days.

    1. Democracy is a set of compromises. People don't seem to realize that compromise is the best for all.

  6. Hello, I agree with Tom above. Our politicians are liars. I am praying for someone great in 2020, one that cares more for our country and not money. Wishing you a happy day!

  7. I couldn't agree more with what you've written here. I was hoping for a minority government. That way the winning party has to try to get along with the other parties to get things done. I wish the population would unite and work together instead of complaining and dividing in groups.

    1. we have to realize that we all can't get exactly what we want but only part of it as we have to share with the other guy.

  8. Vote for President Red! He'll do what he said! Canada will be well led! Then everyone can go to bed!

    1. Well sure, I could do better than those bums.

  9. Makes me wonder if there is any sanity left in the world... anywhere. I've been thinking about moving to Canada if the worst thing happens here in the US in the next election. Now I wonder if there is anyplace sane to go anymore. Yikes!

    1. Well, we are still sane and a good country. We have some clowns that make a lot of noise. Americans are good people. I'm sure that sanity will return.

  10. It's complicated!!! Nice summary, though.

    1. It's complicated but it shouldn't be. They should be singing from similar pages.

  11. People are never happy no matter what the results of an election are.

    1. I'm afraid you're right. They all want to win .

  12. It is a complicated dilemma, but I figured it would end up in a minority.

  13. I think you may have meant to say we do NOT have proportional representation. We do have "first past the post", yes. And I can understand western Canadians being quite upset. A lot of people have lost jobs and homes and are desperate for work. It's not going to happen now. I don't agree with lashing out on social media; hopefully cooler heads will prevail after the first few post-election days or weeks. A minority government is typically one of the best ways to get cooperation from different sides. Trudeau seems in no way chastened by the results, and he really should be.

  14. The lies really complicates things.

  15. Interesting to read your view on minority governments. It can certainly rein in excesses but we had the scenario a few days years back where the PM was frequently criticised for doing nothing while the minority government was in power. The opposition simply voted down much of the legislation.
    As for people whining about their politicians - stop whining and do something about the things that make you whine...

  16. Compromise and minority governments can be very good. The UK knows very little of that.

  17. It's disturbing how divisive all our elections have become, all over the world. I wish people could focus less on ideology and more on getting things done in a practical way for the good of society.

  18. this sound sad that some people and parties want partition from the country dear Red

    for me this is quite difficult to understand that what can make them want separation from such well developed sate
    i hope things are sort out between parties soon specially the politicians who mostly prefer individual benefit and don't see what is good for the nation

  19. Whiners and politics seem to go hand in hand ;)

  20. Hmmm, it seems that campaigning is disgusting no matter where you go, since it's always appealing to the worst elements in all of us. And then we whine about it. Oh well, people are funny that way.

  21. Well, everyone can’t win and it seems like the losers are more vocal than ever before. Or is it that we have more platforms to hear them from?
