Thursday, November 28, 2019


     Building a house the way ours was built certainly led to some chaos. Not everything could be under control. 

    Some of the things that happened were very funny and remained family stories. 

     Some how or other,we came into possession of a little billy goat. In 1947 our grandparents had retired into the little village. In those days there weren't coolers or freezers and you couldn't buy milk. Some of the villagers had a cows and sometimes you could buy milk from them. Some how or other, Grandpa came into possession of a nanny goat that he thought would give him enough milk. Surprise , surprise , the nanny promptly had 3 kids. Just what grandpa wanted! But wait . Grandpa had three sons so each son got a little goat. Grandpa thought his grandchildren would like a goat for a pet. We did.

    Our goat was Billy. Billy thought he was a little kid ...I mean a little human kid. Billy played with us all day. Billy was smarter than all four of us put together. Billy got his way. Billy was a nuisance

    We moved into the house as soon as it was closed in but not finished. There was a plank ramp up into the kitchen. Some how or other Mom was distracted and had left all the breakfast dishes on the table  and was out in the yard. The kitchen door had not been closed. From a distance someone noticed billy going up the ramp. No one was in the house. By the time we got in the house Billy was on top of the breakfast table. Billy had already cleaned out the butter dish! We were surprised.

    Shortly after that Billy disappeared. Dad had had enough of poor Billy. I think Billy was passed on to someone who needed some meat. That's one thing Dad never ever told us.



  1. I think you are probably right about Billy;s fate but at least he has been remembered in your thoughts for a long time which is more than you can say about most goats I would guess.

    1. Our family certainly remembers Billy. It was probably the first goat we had ever seen.

  2. So cruel to bring him away, so sad for you and your brothers...

    1. Billy was the author of his own fate . we spoiled him so he kept getting into trouble.

  3. Obviously the title to this piece might have been "Billy and the Butter Dish!"

  4. In recent times I have lost a few blocks of butter to our opportunistic dogs but I wouldn't have expected a goat to take it, being herbivores.

    Poor old Billy

    1. Goats eat anything. We caught him several times eating nails.

  5. ...somethings are best unsaid.

  6. Oh, wow. The stories you tell. I love them.

    1. I think everybody has stories. We were happy and energetic.

  7. Hello,

    Cute story on your pet Billy the goat. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy weekend!

    1. Billy was a character. He knew how to get what he wanted.

  8. Oh my! What a story about Billy. I do hope he tasted good, with all that butter in him. A sad story in some ways, but just part of life I guess. :-)

  9. You have some interesting stories to tell! I'm glad Billy had an opportunity to have fun with you and your brothers.

    1. We had an adventurous life on the farm.

  10. A funny story with a sad ending. At least Billy had some fun with you before he was given away.

    1. I don't think we had ever seen a goat before except in pictures.

  11. Oh my! What an interesting story. I wonder what really happened to Billy. I know my aunt told me the story of starving during the war years and how her pet rabbit had to be eaten. She became a vegetarian after that.

    1. At the time there were many immigrants to Canada from Europe. Dad found somebody who was used to eating goat meat.

  12. Aw, poor Billy, and sad that you lost your pet.

    1. Well, if Billy had behaved himself , he may have had a longer life.

    2. That is what The Micro Manager will say of day.

  13. Eeeeek! Billy goat chops! . . . Goats really are mischievous but they are clever and persistent, too. And really cute.

  14. Goats are cute when they're small but they do get big and problematic!

  15. Around that time do you by any chance remember having a nice stew that tasted like a lamb stew?

  16. Great anecdote. I don't love the ending, but that is reality.

  17. There was a young goat that we used to see on one of our walks. We named him Billy, of course, and I would gather tall grasses to feed to him. One day we noticed he wasn't in his fenced yard, and we never saw him again.

  18. I had a goat one summer...I loved him:)

  19. I wondered if Billy's fate would not have been sealed if he had not climbed onto the kitchen table and eaten the butter?

  20. Oh poor Billy !!!!

    i absolutely LOVED this story dear Red ,actually i would love to hear more from your childhood :)

    when i was in second grade probably ,my maternal grandpa gifted us a baby goat ,we both sisters loved her but we were not allowed to take her for grazing ,mom would brought grass for her at home ,and we were not happy to miss the fun of taking her for outing ,in short once we tried to do so secretly and next day she was back to nan's house :(
