Tuesday, June 30, 2020


      I am not the perfect example of fitness nor the most knowledgeable. However, I do value being healthy and having as good a quality of life as possible.

      So here's where my limited knowledge shows itself. For a long time I have firmly believed that stretching is valuable. With stretching we keep more flexible. If we're more flexible a number of benefits occur. Flexibility helps us in balance , strength and posture. Balance and strength help to keep us from some falls.

     Stretching helps us to combat stiffness. Being stiff can cause all kinds of simple problems. Our body just doesn't seem to go where we want it to go.

     I'm a bit of a people watcher. Many times I see people who would benefit from stretching. Sore backs, hips knees? These things spoil quality of life. Not all issues can be improved just by stretching but many can.

    It's easy to find some good stretches for seniors. Just go on line. In other places there are excellent programs for senior physical activity.

   I stretch almost everyday for about 20 minutes. I'm sure I could find more or different stretches. I have had plantars fasciitis . I just cheated and went to a site to see how to spell fasciitis . They are selling all kinds of shoes and socks to treat plantars. I'm sure they do help but I found stretching got rid of the problem for me .This is very unpleasant as it feels like there are balls or rollers under your feet. Some people just give up and become inactive. Work hard and you can get rid of this stuff. For years I had lower back problems which were somewhat debilitating. I was told that what I was experiencing was due to small muscle tears in my lower back. A physiotherapist finally persuaded me that stretching would help. I've never looked back and it advertised stretching for me.

    Stretching also helps us to keep in tune with our body. We will notice when we are stiff or when the body changes. Don't let things drag on. 

This is only a small example of stretching. I know there is much more.

    So if we're going to live for a long time we might as well have good quality of life



  1. Red you are so right in everything you have said here. Before Covid closed so many things we had been taking "Silver Sneakers" classes twice a week for nearly two years and we both could tell the difference it made for us. Those classes are special exercise classes for people of retirement age and are aimed at our age and abilities. They also are designed to help with balance and other problems caused by age. In some areas these are called "Active Older Adults" classes. We have not been able to go to these since March and we have not been as good about doing the exercises on our own. As a result we can tell the difference and we need to get back to doing the exercises. You are smart to keep up with the stretches and you have seen how they help you. Good for you!

    1. Silver sneakers! I was in a program called silver blades which was ice skating. It was a fun group to participate in.

  2. Hello,
    Stretching is like doing yoga right. It is good for you!
    Take care! Have a great day!

    1. You've encouraged me to take a look at yoga.

  3. I agree with you, a few simple exercises a day, keeps the docter away!

    1. It's easy but you have to set up a routine.

  4. Good for you on stretching. We've got to keep moving. I know if I am inactive for a little while I get as stiff as a board.

    Happy Canada Day Red!

    1. thanks. If I'm driving for a few hours, I can hardly get out of the car.

  5. Good for you. Quality of life is everything.

    1. Yes, I see many people I feel very sorry for as they have serious challenges.

  6. I do free weights but not often enough. I run on the elliptical but not often enough. I hate exercise. Anyway I did a yoga session via YOUTUBE lead by a friend and it killed me for days. I need to add stretching to my limited exercise routine.

    1. The key is to set up a routine that you can stick to.

  7. I have been doing stretching exercises for low back issues for several years now. It really does help. You make me want to find more exercises to do. Thank you for that.

    1. I learned when the physiotherapist said do so many repetitions she not only meant it but it was right.

  8. My physical therapy exercises are mostly stretching different muscle groups. Stretching can't fix my back or my knee or my hip, but the exercises have kept me mobile.

    1. There's more than stretching but when it comes to bones that's another issue.

  9. Absolutely! I used to stretch a lot, when I ran and lifted weights. Now that I'm just walking I don't do it as much but I know I should. I always enjoyed it, actually.

    1. Hey keep on running! I ran until I was 71.

  10. Good advice from your personal experience. Thanks for sharing!

    1. The older I get the more stretching needs to be done.

  11. That’s great that you keep up with stretching. If you stop, the benefits go away quickly. I do yoga every day and have for years. When I had my knee replacement I had to stop for four months and it took hard work to get my agility back.

  12. Hmmmm.... I shall have to look up stretching. I haven’t done any stretching exercises. Well... I only did them when I had to have physical therapy for my shoulders, but I see your point. Thank you for the good advice.

    1. Stretching is one of the many activities that can make us feel better.

  13. This is very good advice, Red. I have started having aches in my right shoulder and am trying some stretching daily. So far, there's not much results, but hopefully in time.

    1. I hope that you find something that helps.

  14. I agree completely with you, Red. I think yoga has helped me considerably, and even with my knees. I also think staying active makes a huge difference. Although I miss in person yoga, Zoom classes are definitely better than nothing! :-)

  15. Great advice! I make an effort to stay active.

  16. i loved your sharing dear Red
    actually i ma moved by the topic because it has proven game changer for me
    after birth of my second child i got terrible backache ,i was helplessly on bed for months ,none helped but a morning show where i watched segment of exercise and followed inevitably
    and then just like you i never looked back ,i did quite tough work out for more than 7 years but now i rely only on stretching and few steps of yoga and it works for me well
    stay well
