Tuesday, January 26, 2021


       For most of the past year I have looked at Covid statistics, noticed ups and downs and who was having the worst time with covid. We all know the line...people in long term care, people with underlying health conditions...

       It wasn't until October that we began having a huge increase in cases and deaths in this area.

       However, it took one special death to show how cruel covid can be.

       A woman who was a retired church secretary and her husband went to the church too help a new minister learn the ropes. Jim moved furniture and helped with clean up. 

       There were unknowns lurking. It was not known that the regular secretary had Covid. Jim's wife Linda picked up covid from the secretary and passed it on to her husband, Jim. Jim died in five days. 

       It really seems tragic that  man who was a volunteer should pay with his life . It's so simple for covid to pass from one person to another. 

       I now know people who have contracted Covid. You put  a name to a face. A 53 year old Downs Syndrome man has been in the hospital and has recovered. A former student has been in the hospital for two months on another issue and she caught covid in the hospital. 

      When covid gets close it's a very sobering issue issue.

       Be careful and be safe.


  1. Oh no.... That’s awful and tragic. You just don’t know where this virus is lurking. My friend’s son-in-law brought it into their home where he gave it to his little son. He is a nurse in a cardiac unit and caught it from a traveling nurse who came to work even though he wasn’t feeling well. He wasn’t feeling well, but he thought it was after-effects of the vaccination that he had received the day before.

  2. My cousin Enid's husband - who was co-incidentally also called Keith -died with COVID. I had not seen them in years. Make sure that you and Jean stay safe Red. Avoid close contact and wear your masks.

    1. We stay home but I still have to go out for groceries. Yes, I wear a mask and I finally got the hang of distancing.

  3. It's very sad. This kind of community transmission is why I have hardly left the house for almost one year. I see the Covid is now spreading rapidly in the rest of the province of BC. I can only hope and pray people can stay safe.

    1. People like you help to stop the virus. Then there are those who refuse to wear masks.

  4. Yes, that's cruel but I guess it always is.
    It all becomes a lot more real when it's close. I'm sorry, Red. As you said, stay safe

    1. Yes, first hand information packs a punch.

  5. One of my dearest friends and a niece and her husband have all had it. Fortunately all have recovered but not, in one case, without serious after-effects.

  6. I've had quite a few friends and family have it. It certainly brings it home. Imagination is no substitute for experience.

    1. It seems to flare up in widely different locations.

  7. Hello,
    It is sad to hear about all the Covid deaths. I am sorry you lost a friend and volunteer. Take care and stay safe, enjoy your day!

    1. We certainly have some ways to slow it down but not everybody cooperates.

  8. Very sobering apart from being so sad. Now here in the UK we have passed the 100,000 mark of deaths - and we are but a small island. Yet one still sees people out ignoring the rules. So sad.

    1. You are a small island with many people . We are a huge land mass with few people but it's still hard to get people to follow some basic rules.

  9. I haven't known anyone,thank goodness, but it is remarkably contagious.

    1. People are far too cavalier about covid.

  10. Oh so sad! The news about the variants is scary too. We need better treatment when someone has contracted the virus too besides the vaccine.

    1. They keep saying that they have found better treatment but I hope we don't have to find out about it.

  11. So sorry to hear of the volunteer's fate. This is an awful virus, and I can't wait for a chance to get the vaccine. Soon, I hope! Have you been vaccinated yet?

    1. I have not been vaccinated and there are no plans set up here yet!

  12. That is such sad news. We are living in such challenging times and the return to normal seems so very far away. Stay safe and healthy there, Red.

    1. Yes, return to normal is a question whatever that may be.

  13. Sorry to hear about your fellow church member. That's what's so insidious about this disease. You never know who has it or who can transmit it ... or if you get it what will happen to you.

    1. Well, that's why they tell us to stay in.

  14. Tragic, and yes, scary. I know people who have had it too. With the numbers so high I'm surprised I don't know more, frankly. (A lot of people have probably had mild cases and not said anything publicly, and I don't blame them as long as they stay home and don't pass it around.)

    1. The mild stuff is bad because people don't realize they have it and continue to go out.

  15. Sorry to hear this sad news, Red. Please stay safe.

  16. So sad and scary. It could be anyone of us. Stay safe!

    1. Yes, it's scary how easily it can be transmitted.

  17. Covid is so capricious, one never knows where or how hard it will hit. Many are just fine, some are "long haulers", with terrible symptoms that linger on and on, some are deathly ill before recovering, some are taken very swiftly. It horrible. Stay as safe as you can be.

    1. You have a very accurate description of covid.

  18. I am sorry to hear about your friend. It is always so unfair to see how covid takes people. When it is someone we know it also brings it home to us because we can put a face on it. I keep hearing the new versions of covid are much easier to catch. All the more reason for us to all wear a mask and take proper precautions. Please take care!

    1. I'm doing much better at following protocol than when covid first came calling.

  19. So many lives lost to this horror, so many good people gone. And it goes on and on with no end in sight yet. Stay safe, Red.

    1. Even with vaccinations, I'm not sure how safe we will be.

  20. And you, too, Red. I am sorry it is closing in on you, as it were. Stay home, or in your bubble, please. As do I.

    1. I do stay home. I only go out for groceries.

  21. Yes, be careful and safe, even if our MPP is denying COVID, and is and antivaxxer.

    1. Those buffoons make it hard for everybody else.

  22. Thanks. I hope he's the last to meet such an untimely end.

  23. So sorry to hear this Red. My sister had Covid and it was scary, thankfully she recovered after 8 days of extreme illness. I get tested often doing the work I do, thankfully I've remained negative and hope it continues this way. We have had staff who are asymptomatic test positive which is also too close for comfort, glad we test often. Stay safe!

  24. We just got word tonight. My son has tested positive for covid. He has developed chest pain when he coughs.

  25. Hi Red, Not paying attention, I missed this post in time to get my comment in before your replies. This is an excellent post because it reinforces what I’ve been witnessing for months and months. Folks claim Covid doesn’t even exist. I’m not saying you thought that … just that we keep hearing about the Covid deniers. Then, one of them actually gets the disease and things are quite different. It just makes me wonder why people are like this. They continue to see the reports of thousands dying every day and yet they continue to say it is some sort of conspiracy. Thanks for sharing truth about Jim’s death. Maybe some folks will wake up and mask up.

  26. I'm sorry to hear this. How tragic. The closest to our family was the death of my father-in-law due to COVID, but I've heard of one too many cases associated with friends, and friends of friends. I wish more people would take it seriously and stop spreading ridiculous conspiracy theories.

  27. that is sad and scary indeed dear Red

    i felt for one who received virus from his wife during helping her and died in days oh that is horrible ,seems result of someone's carelessness who did not care for other nor took caution which is embarrassing
    you too keep taking good care

  28. Such a sad story, Red, and you are so right that while we are aware that people have died and are still dying, it just takes one case to make you realize how close to home it strikes. We received a notice for volunteers wanted for a local United Way project, but have decided not to risk anything since we have kept safe. Our only treks are for outdoor walks, weather permitting, and weekly grocery store trips. Staying safe is what we plan to keep doing even after we get vaccinated.
