Tuesday, February 14, 2023


       I just got off messenger from talking to the birthday boy. 

        It's not everybody who has a sibling or relative with a Valentine's day birthday.

       I was 15 when D was born.

       There wasn't supposed to be another child in the family. As many of you know we had an eleven year old sister who passed away. Mom and Dad were completely devastated. Mom's family physician  recommended that she have another baby to replace this lost daughter. 

      Well surprise surprise. The new baby was a boy. At that time they were very happy to have a baby boy.

     D was the perfect child for that situation. There were ten years between D and his next brother. He was really a one child family. He was the ideal child for grieving parents and an only child. D was amiable( still is) pleasant and able to get along with adults . Of course, adults liked him. His brothers loved him too. 

     Conditions were severe at that time. Dad took Mom to a small hospital about 25 miles away two weeks before her due date. On the way , the little Studebaker did a 360 on the icy road. The month of February that year was very, very cold. It was a few days before the new baby got home.

      Unfortunately I left home when D was 2 1/2 years old so missed a lot of his growing up.

      So one hour of reminiscing went by in a hurry. 

     So D's birthday is always special. 


  1. How many brothers do you have?

  2. The Peake and Kline family are a good example of a quality family relationship. We love spending time in Saskatchewan with them. If we were younger we'd quite likely move from BC back to the prairies. Forgot it was David's birthday today. Love to all. Keep up the good work Keith.

    1. Thanks. I shouldn't be surprised to see you show up here but then you see my posts on Face book.

  3. I am 3½ years older than my brother and even that meant we didn't socialise until he left home!
    Good to stay in contact

  4. I had two friends who were born on this day and stay in touch with one. The other is deservedly in prison right now. I also have a good friend who was born on the 29th of this month and though we were born only one year apart, she is one-fourth my age.

    1. Feb. 29 is an interesting day to be born.

  5. Happy Birthday to your brother! Take care, have a great day!

  6. I can imagine the youngest in a big family being a real charmer! Happy birthday D.

    1. We thought he was just great. Of course , we put him up to all kinds of tricks.

  7. Happy birthday to your Valentine of a brother. :-)

    1. The nurses wanted Mom to call him Valentine.

  8. It's good to remember those we've lost, esp. those we lost a long time ago. But it's even better to remember your brother's birthday. Sounds like you're a great brother!

    1. Yes, but then all my brothers are great. We have a good time when we get together;

  9. Hope your little brother had a wonderful Valentine's Day birthday!

    1. He did but he's the tallest of the four of us.

  10. That's a nice post about your baby brother. My baby brother is 7 years younger than me and was born with red hair so we always have called him Red (even now, altho his hair is gray)! His birthday is February 6th! He was always the favorite for all of us! Happy Birthday to your brother!

    1. Yes, we liked having a baby to look after.

  11. What a lovely post! Happy birthday to the lad!

    1. The amiably lad is the tallest of the four of us.

  12. This was a lovely post to read. "Only children", or those who grow up in essence as only children, often seem more grown up for their age, being around adults so much. I'm glad your brother had a good childhood and eased your parents' grief as well. Happy Birthday to him :)

  13. I am so hopeful that, as a child, he did not think or was not told that he was born just to replace one who had died. Every child is irreplaceable no matter living or dead, for one thing! I hope that he was told just that they wanted another child to complete their family.

    1. It was well known at the time to have a replacement child was a no no but the physician gave the advice.

  14. what a great story Red. Happy birthday to your little bro.

    1. My little bro ended up being the tallest of the four of us.

  15. Happy Birthday to your brother. What a special Valentine gift for your parents. I enjoy hearing about your family.

  16. Thank you for sharing that bit of family history. I can see why D has a special place in the family. Happy Birthday to him!

    1. He was easy to get along with and did well with his teen age brothers.

  17. Replies
    1. Thanks. He's pretty low key on these celebrations.

  18. Your little brother was much needed and much loved! Hope he enjoyed his birthday.

  19. Yes, happy birthday to D. I hope you and he have managed to live more closely together, in distance that is.

  20. I'd like to wish D a happy belated birthday too. How absolutely wonderful that you have such a close, loving family, Red.
