Thursday, March 23, 2023


       We eat out several times a week. Most of the time we go to the same restaurant. They cater to seniors. They have a $4.99 breakfast. Construction workers order ahead and have two breakfasts.

      We have their breakfast schedule at least once a week. As in many restaurants many things, such as salt and pepper, are on the table most of the time.

     For breakfast there is usually jam in a basket.

     Yesterday someone came to our table. The micro Manager heard it as "Where is Jim?" I just heard Jim. The Micro manager replied that she didn't know any Jim in the restaurant. The lady went away to another table. The people at the second table were a little brighter. They gave the lady the basket of jam.

     So the lady had an accent and was actually asking us for jam. 

     I'm sure that when she went away she thought that those two old people were very miserable not to give her any "Jim." 


  1. My Polish grandmother-in-law had the hardest time with Gem, Jam, and me - Jim.

  2. You'll be prepared for her next time when she comes looking for Pippa. You know, salt and pippa.

    1. Pippa and a whole lot of other things.

  3. Accents can be difficult to catch quickly...
    We are just back from Aotearoa NZ....where eggs are "iggs"...and fish and chips are "fush an chups" . After a while your ear tunes in.

  4. Lol, I have a brother named Jim. Take care, have a happy weekend!

  5. That’s a great price for breakfast. Prices are much higher here.

    1. I think the restaurant is to attract gamblers but lots of people who eat there are not gamblers. Hey it's free coffee and pop.

  6. Replies
    1. I wonder what they said about me after I left?

  7. Last breakfast out we had was $15-20 per. So, we don’t go twice a week. 😀

    1. This restaurant is meant to attract gamblers. But I'm not a gambler.

  8. Even with my hearing aids, I often don't quite understand what people are saying. I'll smile and nod instead of answering properly sometimes. They must think I'm goofy!?!

    1. Yes, hearing aids help but they're not perfect and I know the feeling of getting something terribly wrong because of my hearing.

  9. I've been surprised lately by how little I hear. I think I have hearing aids in my future.

    1. Hearing loss is so gradual that you don't know it. Here the hearing tests are free.

  10. Red, that is a jim-dandy of a story. I was so amused by this that I thought it would be fun to share it with the AI and see what it thinks. 😊 I really like the answer I got: “As an AI language model, I do not have the ability to form opinions or beliefs, but I can provide an interpretation of the story.
    Based on the story, it appears that there was a miscommunication between the woman who was looking for jam and the Micro Manager. The woman's accent made it difficult for the Micro Manager to understand what she was saying, and as a result, she did not receive the jam she was asking for. However, the people at the second table were able to understand what she was saying and gave her the basket of jam.
    The story highlights the importance of clear communication and the potential for misinterpretation when people have different accents or ways of speaking. It also shows how small acts of kindness, such as giving someone a basket of jam, can make a positive impact on someone's day.”

  11. Some accents can be very hard to understand. :)

    1. Yes , and the older you get the harder it is to pick up on different accents.

  12. It must be hard to get those very slight differences in pronunciation right when you aren't a native English speaker. But you have told the story of an amusing misunderstanding very well!

    1. It's harder to pick up on accents when you're older and have poor hearing.

  13. That's funny, but then again not so funny. I have lots of trouble hearing some sounds.

    1. With hearing aids , there's too much other noise to hear what you really want to hear.

  14. Ah, the Senior Circuit. It can be confusing. Believe me, I know.

  15. Accents can be mighty tricky but she got her "jim" in the end :)

  16. Oh, now this made me laugh!

  17. This is funny. You're quite the him!

  18. This happens. As I age I have more trouble with accents. People just need to be more forgiving...both to others and themselves.

  19. That is funny! Could happen to anyone. And $4.99 is a great deal for breakfast.

  20. I wonder if the woman was from New Zealand? I never knew that you ate out so much Red but I think it's great that you do - gets you out of the house and it's something nice to look forward to each week.

  21. A cute story about accents and misunderstandings.

  22. Awww... that's rather funny. Art misconstrues what I say... often.
