Friday, August 25, 2023


       Speeding has to be controlled. It is too dangerous to have speeders and, in particular, very high speeders. Too many people are killed or injured because of speeding. 

       In my last post I dealt with present day situations. We have a hit and miss ticketing system. Only a very small number of speeders are caught. Should all speeders be caught? What percentage of speeders should be caught? How much would road safety be improved with stricter enforcement. 

    Last day I was thinking about present day enforcement methods. What about enforcement tomorrow?

   We now have the technology for self driving cars. We have AI. Would it be difficult to put a chip in each car and follow it. Okay, I know this is terribly invasive and has great issues around it. A modified plan could be used. You mess up with your driving and then you get the chip and your diving is monitored. We now have devices that prevent drunk driving people from driving if they've been drinking.

    I know some people will not like the big brother idea. But how many people have to be killed or injured because of speeding? 

   Cars could be programmed to not go over he speed limit. Traffic could be monitored for other things and traffic volume could be controlled. 

   What other high tech devices may be developed? 


  1. Maybe you should have been a traffic cop instead of a teacher? I know that when I've rented big moving trucks, that there is a control that won't let me drive over 60 or 65mph. It's posted somewhere on the dash and probably a good thing for those of us who don't drive moving trucks very often. Linda in Kansas

    1. this could work for the top speed limit.

  2. Having just written a post as a result of your last post I think your ideas in this post have merit. I'm sure to be in the minority though.

    1. I think there will be some form of high tech to control speeding.

  3. While I like the idea of finding a solution for speeding, the practical side of me has to take a step back and say wait a minute. In 2021, speeding killed a shade of 12,000 people in my country, around 0.03% of all deaths that year. Seems like if we focus our efforts on the number one killer, heart disease, we could save almost 700,000 people a year.

    1. One death is one too many when it's something that can be controlled.

    2. Agreed but my point is by focusing on saving one life from a speeding death, we may be letting 53 others die of heart disease by not focusing on a solution there.

  4. Speeding does kill, there was an accident here where 6 road workers were run over and killed by a speeding car. People need to slow down. Take care, enjoy your weekend.

    1. there are many stories like yours. That's six too many deaths for something that could be controlled.

  5. I have lost several people in my life to drunk drivers. It is a problem here! A solution would be a real break through!

    1. They've tried different things to controlled impaired driving. Again high tech could control this.

  6. It's an issue, and I don't think there is an imminent solution.

  7. I know a lot of people have concerns about chips and tracking, but I'm all for it. If I could have an ID/banking chip implanted and never have to carry a wallet again? Sign me up!

    1. there's a lot of tracking on the internet right now.

  8. Last night we had 3 teenagers and a 24 year old male killed in a car crash after it hit a wall. Most likely it was speed that contributed to the crash but they are still investigating. Sad!

    1. Cars have been made much safer but if you are at a high speed they will break and so will you.

  9. One of the problems with new car sales is that companies promote the speediness of their vehicles and you look at the speedometer and see that the car could travel at perhaps 150mph. Why should that be permitted when it is way beyond all national speed limits - apart from the autobahns of Germany?

    1. I really wonder why they put the speedometers with high speeds on them.

  10. I agree with you. So many people are killed that could be saved by curbing speeders. How, I don't know, but I'm with you, Red.

    1. Could it be that our politicians have to have some backbone.

  11. In my humble opinion drunk and impaired driving kills too many people:(

  12. Impaired driving, whether it's alcohol, drugs, or phone or other distractions, is often the cause of accidents, and speeding is often a result of that impairment.

    1. All them have to be considered the same way.

  13. It is such a problem, speed demons.

  14. I seem to recall a device from long ago called a governor that controlled a vehicle's speed, refusing to allow it to exceed a set limit. But I can't recall who installed such a device and how and whatever became of them. Maybe it's time for a modern day version.

  15. Agree, driving a car is a privilege, not a right. We need to use our technology to enforce speed limits ... as well as laws against alcohol and drug-impaired driving. And let's improve miles per gallon while we're at it. It's absurd that the auto companies are selling (and people are buying) all these SUVs that get 15 or 20 mpg, when we can easily drive cars that get 30 to 40 mpg and help save the environment.

  16. Car companies need to install a limit on their speedometers.

  17. you have definitely an enlightened mind dear Red
    because of speed in even country like ours many accidents happen everyday
