Friday, September 29, 2023


      Over the years I taught about 3000  students in this area. I have lost touch with about 99% of them. Two former students live across the street from me. One of my former students is a city councellor. Many of them are teachers so I keep in touch with them. One former student came back to the same school and taught with me.

     One student I was reminded about today is Ricky.

    Ricky was a tiny little guy with a face full of freckles and lots of wild unruly red hair. His lips were flapping all the time. Ricky liked controversy. He was right in it immediately  when any disagreements occurred. Ricky had a few problems when it came to debate. Quite often he was missing information on either side of the issue. At other times he misinterpreted things and at other times he was just plain wrong.

    Today I accidentally found myself on a local history face book page. Ricky was on the page. Our school had too major fires and one smaller fire. As usual Ricky did not know about one of the fires. That didn't stop him from talking about the fires. 

    So on Ricky's face book page it shows a bald man so he's lost his unruly red hair. It shows a short rather chunky man. 

    So there you have a little twerp almost 50 years from his time in gr 7. Some things change and others never change. 

   It was good to see Ricky again even if it was only on face book. 


  1. Replies
    1. And some of us change more than others like me!

  2. That's so funny! I was shocked that one of my first grade students ended up being my granddaughter's high school language arts teacher. It really is a lot of fun to see where our students end up.

    1. I stayed in the same community and school so about 25% of my students at the end of my career were children of former students.

  3. Gosh, I thought maybe Ricky was going to come to the U.S. and try and replace Trump! Linda in Kansas

  4. An argumentative man not entirely sure of his facts - in this country he'd be the one to make it as the city councillor. And if he'd kept his unruly hair he might have made PM.

  5. My Dad used the word 'Twerp' a lot. He called me a twerp and I always took it as a term of affection. Hmmm.

    1. Twerp is one of those in between words. It depends on the situation it's used in.

  6. I moved after I retired from school 40(!!) years ago so have never had any contact with students but - as with all teachers I suspect - there are some I have never forgotten and I often wonder what they have done with their lives.

    1. I lived and stayed in the same community. A guy stopped at the house about 5 years ago when he saw me in the yard.

  7. It is nice you were in contact and catch up with your student Ricky. Have a happy weekend.

  8. You keep in contact with a lot of students, or at least know about them.

    1. A lot of info comes from face book. My kids went to the same school.

  9. Well, I do look quite different from my seventh grade self, too. Nice to see old acquaintances after half a century!

    1. I just saw this guy on face book and I quickly saw that he was much the same.

  10. For most people the die is cast at a pretty young age, as far as character goes. It's surprising who turns up on Facebook, isn't it!

    1. You're right that there are some surprises on Facebook.

  11. A lot of my gr. 7's were little twerps!

    1. I think most gr 7's would fit that description.

  12. Sounds as if Ricky is easier to take on facebook as opposed to meeting up with him in real life.

    1. Ricky was not at all obnoxious...just a yacker.

  13. Hmmm, was it really good to see him again?

    1. Well, I only saw him on face book . However, I would like to see him or any other former student.

  14. Neat story about your memories of Ricky. Like yourself, I find it interesting to see what some of my former students are up to. One that I think of often, due to all the news these days, became a Police Chief in a small town nearby. I’ve thought about going by to see him and telling him to stay safe.

  15. Ha! It is funny how some people never change!

    1. Their major characteristics don't seem to change.

  16. Some people change as they get older but then again some don't. :)

    1. Well, he changed physically but that's all.

  17. He sounds quite a character! I haven't heard 'twerp' in a very long time. My father would say, "He's a right royal twerp!" Nothing to do with any royals, so no disrespect intended. Just an expression I remember from days gone by.

    1. I don't know if it's used much any more.

  18. I went to middle school with a boy called Ricky. Our 7th grade teacher took great offense at the name as childish and suggested he try to graduate to a more mature moniker like Rick or Richard or Dick. I don't know what became of my Ricky.

    1. I would like to get my hands on the guy who wanted the kid to change his name.

  19. I graduated from a very small high school class and just this week one of our star football players was found dead in his driveway from a heart attack. I have not seen him in almost a decade, but it hit me as if I saw him yesterday.

  20. Hair changes, personality…not so much.

  21. I just read about the grizzly attack. How far was that from you?

  22. And you can ignore that last question. I see they were talking about the Red Deer River Valley and that is quite a distance away from Red Deer!

  23. I've seen some Rickys. My ex brother in law would qualify.

  24. it took me more than forty years of my life to think that nobody changes with age but only grow better or worse according to their attitude .
    Ricky could not sadly

    though very very rare case when people fond of learning and growth change gradually from bad to good
