Friday, December 29, 2023


      Before I get carried away and forget I will wish everyone a Happy New Year and a great 2024. 

       However, at the end of the year I start thinking about time and say, "Where ever did the year go?" or "That year sure went by in a hurry." or "That was a short year. " or "The years are getting shorter."

        The older we get , the more we feel that time is going by much faster.

       Well, there's a reason why we think that time is going by much faster.

       On our first year, that is 100% of our life. On our tenth birthday the tenth year is 10% of our whole life at that time. 

        On our 50th year one year is 2% of our whole life. So because each year is less of our life in percentage we feel as if time is going faster. One year is still 365 1/4 days like it's always been. Our sense of time is a little bit deluded.

         For me, the year 2023 was 1.29% of my whole life. 

        I also think back to one of the more important New Years. It was 2000, the coming of a new millennium.

        Remember how stressed we were as to what might happen. Would there be a total break down? The new millennium came and went without total melt down. Now we look back and say, "What was that all about?"

       New Year's Eve in 1964 I met a special little lady who attracted my attention. Here we are 60 years later and still attracting each other's attention. 



  1. Your mathematical odds have been good to you! Linda in Kansas

  2. Awww... Red... I love it! And I know MM is loving it too. I love how you explained the years going by so much faster now. It really does. I feel like the years with the kids went by more slowly because there was so much packed into it to mark the days and all the seasons. Here in Hawaii, there are no real seasons so I feel like the days, months escape me.

    1. I read this in one of my university texts and it made sense so I haven't forgotten it.

  3. Happiest of New Years to you, Red and Mrs Red.
    Every New Year I think that "next year" I'll do something really special for New Years Eve, just so I can say I had one particularly special one. And every year I get involved in life and forget to plan for New Year

    1. I have celebrated very few New Year in my life .

  4. Time does seem to go by so quickly. Too fast for me.
    I wish you and yours all the best in 2024, a happy and healthy New Year! Have a safe and happy weekend.

    1. And best wishes to you for 2024. Maybe they'll finally invent some back up medicine this year!!!

  5. What a sweet post, Red. I am also noticing how much more quickly the years pass as I age. And sixty years later you are still in love!

    1. We've covered a lot of territory on those years.

  6. Happy New Year to you too, Red, and your "little lady"! Hope 2024 is filled with good health and happy adventures for both of you!

    1. Thank you. Best wishes to you and your family for 2024.

  7. I am not sure I understand your math but math has never been my strong suit. I understand it a bit differently. A hour spent waiting for your child's plane to land feels like forever. That last hour you have with her before she leaves back out flies by all too quickly. Time went slower when we were children because we felt as if we had forever. Now we know we don't have forever and our years trickle through our fingers like water.

    1. Your examples make sense In all of this we're talking about feelings.

  8. Happy New Year, and Happy Anniversary of your meeting! I think you're right about those percentages -- as time passes the years seem to go so much faster. I remember 1974 (when I was 7) seemed to last FOREVER -- it was probably the first year I was really aware of the calendar and excited about a new year!

    1. Years first clicked for me in 1946 when my Dad told me how to follow years.

  9. Happy New Year, I enjoyed your seasonal contemplation! -Christine

  10. I was just thinking about Y2K today. And I agree about the percentages of time.

    1. Y2K was certainly a very worrisome issue.

  11. Replies
    1. Best wishes to you and your family in 2024.

  12. Aww that is sweet to include your little lady:) Happy New Year!

    1. there was quite a story behind that date.

  13. We, Tom and I, like your explanation for why time flies when you are old. We are old too.

  14. As each year passes and the percentage of our whole life for each passing year decreases, it's a reminder to make the most of each year to come! Wishing you a Happy Attraction Anniversary and a Happy New Year!

  15. Happy New Year, Red! May it be filled with peace, health, laughter, and love!

  16. Happy new year to you and the event planner.

  17. Great post Red. Time is sure flying by. Thanks for the Happy wishes and Happy New Year to you and the MM. You've had a great year with Hiawatha House!

  18. I loved reading your last paragraph. As for time, that's a very interesting explanation. We are also saying what a fast year, and actually what a fast life! A Very Happy and Healthy New Year to you and your special lady.
