Thursday, December 21, 2023


      Today is the day we get the shortest day and longest night. This has interested me since I was a little kid. On the farm we played outdoors and were out at night. We didn't have electricity so the night sky was bright. We also new that when we played outside after supper it got darker every day. 

      When I got someplace with a daily paper and the records of sun up and sunset, the solstice was more interesting. 

      So today our sunrise was at 8:42 and sunset at 4:24 for a total of seven hours and 42 minutes of sun. 

      What I find interesting is that sunset on Dec.8 was 4:22 and on Dec. 21 4:24. So the afternoons have started to get longer. Sunrise on Dec 8 was at 8:31 and on Dec. 21 was 8:42. The sun is still coming up later. 

      Our average high temperature in Dec is -4 C and average low -16 C.

     So I always think of the winter solstice as going up a hill and you reach the top. Now it's down hill and much easier. 


  1. Oh my gosh! And here I am complaining when our temps go down to 67 degrees F. Funny thing about the solstice, I never noticed the shorter days in winter when I was growing up in Hawaii. But I do now. I guess as a kid, I was oblivious.

  2. I like the downhill section! Take care, have a great weekend!

  3. That is interesting and something I have never thought about. I guess I assumed that time came in equally on both the sunrise and sunset between the days.

  4. I was aware of the Solstice - it always interests me - especially the Winter one. The effects never seem to appear until January when suddenly one morning I get up and it is light. Have a good Christmas.

    1. Around solstice time things seem to stand still and there's very little change. Happy Christmas to you.

  5. Too bad the weather follows the return of the sun so slowly.

    1. But then on the other end the cold would come very quickly.

  6. Replies
    1. It takes a while to come but we're on the way.

  7. And my 7th grandchild was born on 12/21/23! Adam Liam DeBerge who if he lives to my age (73) will see 2096! Hard to imagine!?! Gosh, I hope his world will be full of peace and joy!

    1. What a happy day. One does wonder what will happen at that time.

  8. Your sunrise comes 43 minutes after ours. Your sunset is 10 minutes after ours.

    Yesterday was my sister's birthday, so that was a bright spot.

    1. Just to make it more fun, time zones are not precise.

  9. The sunrise here is at 7:37 and the sunset is at 4:52. It's been cloudy and dark for days though. We're waiting for the skies to clear so we can actually see that thing called the sun! (NewRobin13)

    1. You are a long way south. When it's cold we get some very clear skies. Have a great holiday.

  10. Replies
    1. I would take a while to get used to things further south.

  11. Interesting to think of it as being uphill to the solstice, and now downhill. I like the mental image it provides.

  12. Our daylight hours are almost as short as yours, but thankfully we do not have your freezing temperatures. Today we have 40 degree rain.

    1. We get used to our own winters. we like the clear winter skies.

  13. It'll take awhile before one notices longer days.

    1. It takes a couple of weeks to turn around.

  14. We had 8 hours and 23 minutes today 8 :16 to 4:39
