Monday, May 6, 2024


         In many public places chairs are a one size fits all. In restaurants after you get too big for a high chair all the chairs are the same size. 

         First, kids have to endure the big chair. No wonder you see kids swirling back and forth on their bum because the chair doesn't fit. I'm sure that there are are many messes because the chair doesn't fit.

         When it comes to adults some people are too small for the chair and some people overwhelm the poor chair. 

        I know a number of people whose feet do not touch the floor. Getting on and off a chair could be hazardous. Then there are the huge people whose bodies completely hide the chair.

       We have a brand new  casino with a large restaurant. All chairs and tables are exactly the same. The flooring is carpet and the chair legs are metal and do not slide. So try to move your chair closer to the table or further from the table. It's a challenge to move. And then the table legs have very little room for your feet. It's a crowded situation. 

        So I ask again, why can't there be a variation in size of chairs to accommodate large and small people as well as average sized people?


  1. I know there are restaurants here that provide high chairs or boosters for children. Hmmm.... but nothing for grown-ups though.

    1. Yes , there's a wide variation in grown up sizes.

  2. Variety is the spice of life – unless you’re a chair. 😊

  3. Some chairs are downright dangerous. I have an issue getting safely into and out of the library chairs.

  4. You could be our chair-leader.

  5. It's a mystery to me, too.

    1. I guess people don't make an issue about it.

  6. Because the small people would gravitate to the larger or normal size chairs and all that would be left for the large people were the small chairs. Case in point. In most men's bathrooms in the U.S. there are urinals at two different heights. I can't count the number of times, me being taller than normal, has been forced to use the urinal that is closer to the floor while the higher urinals are being used by males having to stand on their tiptoes to use.

    1. I like your comparison. There are other points of view about the urinals.

  7. Add restaurant booths to that too. My favorite breakfast place has a few booths that accomodate larget people. Going to breakfast with my very big and tall sons we often have to get a table but sometimes they put us in a larger booth cuz that's all that's available and I find out how it feels to be the child at an adult's table again, hahaha.

    1. Well, it does us good to be put in a very different situation once in a while.

  8. True, I agree with Ed. Like tables for 4 being occupied by 1 person - when there are plenty of smaller tables around.

    1. So you have a good idea. A table for one.

  9. Nothing says anything has to make sense.

    1. Yes, and we would all argue about the issue.

  10. Are you gojng to have chairs on request as you enter the restaurant and then have to carry them to your table? What company is going to manufacture chairs of all different sizes? How many extra chairs will a restaurant have to have on hand?
    I can see why this doesn't happen. But you certainly gave it some thought.

    1. I'm sure something could be worked out say have one smaller chair at each table. People are somewhat adaptable. Then if there's a small chair how do they reach the table?

  11. Our clinic and hospital have some very tall chairs with foot rests, I suppose for taller people. Regular chairs and wide chairs for ample people or two really thin people or a parent and child:)

  12. I've often wondered about that. I personally dislike the chairs and tables that are so high off the ground your feet don't touch. I've come a cropper on those things before now.

  13. Okay, that's what I was thinking about but then if you have a small chair you will have trouble with table height.
