Friday, May 31, 2024


         A few weeks ago I showed some of our wedding photos as it was our anniversary. Everybody's wedding is extremely important. The surroundings and events are not forgotten.

         The venue for our wedding was different. The wedding was held in a place called Stinger Hall Chapel. Inuvik had a 1000 student school. Kids were brought in from up to 1000 miles away and kept in two hostels. Stringer hall was a residence that held about 300 kids. 

         The chapel was for all the kids in the residence.

         Inuvik was a special Arctic settlement planned and built after the Second World war. Construction was officially finished in 1957 but some of it still continued. Stringer Hall was finished long before the Hotel was built. Travelers stayed in the student hostel. A pilot stayed there on a regular basis. He was a bit of an artist so painted the large mural behind the alter  during his stops in Inuvik.

      The mural shows a picture of children coming to Christ. The big thing in this mural is that the children are aboriginal. 

       I'm not sure if the idea comes from a biblical quotation. Far Side will be able to cover that Chap and verse if there is one. 

     So I've always considered this an interesting mural as well as the story behind it. 


  1. I thought it looked as a painting with natives, but the story of the pilot stopping in to work on it is amazing. Linda in Kansas

    1. The pilots had to overnight and sometimes delayed by weather so this guy spent his time on some art.

  2. That is a beautiful mural. I love that there are aboriginal children pictured in it.

    1. they were fortunate to have something like this.

  3. I find the stories of your northern experiences very fascinating. You got to live and experience things that very few Canadians ever will.

    1. They didn't need a lot of us so not that many people got the chance to go to the Arctic.

  4. Your wedding was held in such a lovely place dear Red
    I agree such memories shine brighter among all others throughout the life
    I felt happier that kids drawn on mural were aboriginal superb indeed

    1. The asst. administrator was very helpful to us.

  5. Why should aboriginal children come to Jesus? I suspect that their ancestors' ancient beliefs had much more resonance. The cunning imposition of Christianity usually leads folk to a vale of tears. Better to worship the sun and the stars and the god of the seal.

    1. The whole thing got to be a mess. People should be able to make their own choices and not be persuaded to look at some other faith.

    2. YP, the imposition of Christianity has been the wrong thing to do, there's no question about that.
      Having said that, the sentiment behind the mural, that the kingdom of heaven belongs to children or the child like, is deeply respectful to children and if Canada operated anything like the Australia of the 60s the meaning conveyed by the painting was well ahead of societal norms of the time.

  6. Great photo and a beautiful mural! Have a happy weekend.

  7. Ladies, or some of them, in hats. That's a big one on the elft.

  8. The mural is a beauty! Love it!

    1. Murals of that type were not common at that time.

  9. That's a lovely mural, Red. A nice place to have your wedding.

    1. It was very light for some reason or other.

  10. I suspect that the Pilot was a Christian. "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these" appears in the Bible in Matthew 19:14.

    1. I knew you'd have Chap and verse. I wasn't sure that it did come from the bible.

  11. Interesting mural and story. Nice post, Red.

    1. The pilot had gone on to something else by the time I got there so I never met him.

  12. Gosh, that's a beautiful mural and a wonderful photo! Thank you for the story behind it.

    1. The photo is pathetic but I better not criticize it as some one took it for us.

  13. I wonder if that mural is still there?

    1. You ask a question that would make another blog. This whole facility was tor down.

  14. There is a verse in Matthew 19:14 in the King James version of the Bible that says: Suffer the little children come unto me.
    I am no longer religious, but I do remember much of my religious upbringing. :-)

    1. Thanks. You do better than me to remember. we had to memorize many scriptures. We were given prizes like pencils, erasers and other trinkets for memorizing scriptures.

  15. I didn't realize that you got married in Inuvik, facing that beautiful mural.

  16. rhymeswithplagueSunday, June 02, 2024

    I was going to give you the same Bible reference as Far Side but he or she beat me to it. Please ignore Yorkshire Pudding.. He thinks he is being loving but his ignorance is showing.
