Sunday, June 16, 2024


     Comments many times make me think of other material that could be added to a post. So , with names , I realized the was much more. Most of it is not important but it's there nonetheless. Some of this has been covered in other posts.  My researcher,  statistician John, will tell me where it is. 

     So of course, I received the name Keith, at my birth. I have no idea why I was called Keith. But soon after that I was given the family nickname Grandfather. I was the oldest child and Dad called me grandfather but no one else called me Grandfather. 

    The next time I received a name was when I started high  school. We had a high school of 25-30 kids and a few days after I arrived I was called Pop. I had no idea what was going on and I found the situation stressful. Sometimes it was Pa. When I go back the guys still call me Pop. 

  My initials are K.C. so for three years I was called Casey. 

   Two colleagues gave me a name which only they used. One guy called me "Killa" Another colleague always called me Dad. It was a name that I liked as it showed his respect. 

    So you can see a bit of a thread through these names.

   This may explain the Grandfather name as I looked after my brother who is less than a year younger than I am.

    The only name that doesn't fit this is when my son called me Boy. He was about a year to two years old. I called him Dad's Big Boy and we think that's why he was using Boy. 

    I have four other names that only I use. How's this for names: incline, syncline,  recline and decline. I use these names for setting up names for some files. 

   So there you have it. I probably have forgotten a few names. I know you'll ask what the Micro Manager calls me. She has no special name for me 


  1. You have a lot of nicknames. I had a lot of them growing up but no one uses them anymore which suits me fine, lol.

    1. Well, I rarely go back to my home town so I don't hear the name very often.

  2. This brought back memories!!

    1. Funny how some stuff triggers memories.

  3. Great post, you have had many names.
    Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week!

    1. Thanks. I checked my spam today and found many of your comments in my spam. I moved all of them to the blogs.

  4. Lots of memories with the different names but I imagine that is common when we are young.

    1. I think in some areas nicknames are much more common.

  5. You must have been well noticed to have been given all of those names. I have been plain John throughout except for Dad and Buppa (Grandpa). The exception was on a summer job, when one group of people called me Charlie. There was one class that called me Mr Stormcloud, which was a take on my last name and was done in fun, for that was a good class.

    1. All teachers have nick names but very few of them know it.

  6. What a great post! You must have seemed like a dependable, trustworthy kid to be called Dad, Pa, Pop, etc.
    My family nickname was given to me by my Dad and it wasn't very complimentary - "Aunt Blabby". I had a tendency to blurt out things I thought or saw and that wasn't always a good thing! ;)

    1. Yes, the negative names would be hard to take.

  7. That's a funny story, that your son called you 'boy'. I remember once my son, who was probably 3 at the time got just enraged at something, so mad. He was such a little guy and he got madder and madder trying to find words for it. Finally he spat out, YOU DONKEY!!!!! as if it was the worst epithet he could think of. I'm not sure why that was the word, and I'm sure that he did not equate it with jackass, since that was not a word we used in our house, but it was one of those stand out funny stories from his childhood.

    1. There are many family nick names and many stories if parents were the type who told stories. My Dad told stories so we have much about our lives as children.

  8. I expect that Jean calls you "My Darling", "Sweetheart", "Romeo" and "My Furry Canadian Bear".

  9. I hope MM doesn’t call you too late for supper. Groan!

  10. At school for some years I had a nickname I disliked very much. It made me realise that you have to nip unwelcome name quickly in the bud.

    1. Nick names can be very uncomplimentary and yes , cruel.

  11. That's a lot of names, most of them indicating that you were mature for your age or very serious and responsible.

    1. I was a very serious sober little kid.

  12. Wow! You went through a LOT of names. The only nickname I had was a friend who was probably trying to tell me something. She changed my name from Kay to Yak. I'm glad that didn't last long.

    My son, Jon went through more names than us. He was Jonathan, Jon Jon, Jonny, Jon Boy, JJ. And now he's Keola on my blog because he wants me to keep his name private.

    1. Family names such as you list are common.

  13. I like Casey. And I would like to know more about that picture. You got some great comments here … my favorite is Marie’s. 😊

    1. My brother and I were less than a year apart. At that time we also had a baby sister. There were three of us and the oldest was 2 years and 2 months. We had to look after ourselves. We may have been going out to play but I seem the remember that we may have been going to the village. We've go a lot of clothes on.

  14. A lot of names to grow up with and grow into.

    1. The only one that was a surprise was the first one in high school.

  15. rhymeswithplagueTuesday, June 18, 2024

    One work colleagues always called me Slick, probably because I am not. Thanks for telling us the other day that Red referred to Red Deer. That never occurred to me.

    1. The name Red was more important than I ever thought.

  16. :) That is lots of names! I wonder too what the MM calls you:)

    1. The MM calls me Dad when the kids are around and Keith all the other times.

  17. This was interesting read dear Red
    Here as well people like to give name of their grandparents. I believe you had a wisr and warm heart so people around felt gravity of your positive energy and called with respectful names :)

    1. Disrespectful is a good term. However, if people want to fight a name it becomes very difficult.

  18. I have three nicknames. Bruce Willis, Gerald, and the Terminator.

  19. My nicknames were all insults from my 3 brothers. thecontemplativecat here.
