Monday, June 10, 2024


       My daughter and I sometimes talk about family and what  happened when she was growing up. She likes the thought that she was a free range kid. 

       These discussions got me thinking about what kind of Dad I was. 

       I was a teacher. I was surprised that I was away from home so much. 

      I was involved with the teacher's association at the local , district and provincial level . Of course, these were not all at the same time. They all involved meetings...many meetings. The district and provincial activities involved travel. I found this activity interesting and rewarding. 

    I was a member of a professional group and also on the executive for a few years. Again , lots of travel...Banff, Lake Louise, Jasper and Edmonton. 

    I attended the Annual Teachers Representative Assembly (ARTA) for many years. This allowed me to take my family with me until they reached the teenage years when they didn't want to go. This was a five day event. 

   Regular teaching duties took many evenings. Parent teacher interviews took a long time . I also worked a few bingos for the school and supervised dances. I liked supervising dances as the kids had a lot of fun. . 

   I didn't realize I did so many field trips. I taught some outdoor ed. so the kids were taken on field trips for hiking, snowshoeing, cross country skiing and winter camping. We usually went to the national parks like Banff or Jasper and stayed in hostels. These were at least over night .

   I also took kids on a day trip to the Calgary Herald to see how a newspaper was put together. This went along with my news paper unit. We also wanted kids to see professional theatre so each year we took the gr eights to Edmonton or Calgary to see a play.


                                  Did I also tell you that I was a department head?

    Then there were always those interesting workshops that just happened to be out of town. There were speakers you just had to hear. There was money to send me to these activities. More than usual as some teachers didn't bother going to professional development activities. 

    All these activities were time consuming and stressful. I didn't realize I spent so much time away from home participating in educational activities. I enjoyed it and sometimes think I was away form home too much. 


  1. Wow, you really devoted your time to these events and activities. If you enjoyed it and your family didn't resent it, don't sweat over it now. Though I'm sure your kids missed you when you were away sometimes kids don't want their parents to be around so much. It's only when they grow up they might think they missed something. But hey, you need to feel fulfilled too. It's always a balancing act.

    1. I'm just surprised when I look back how much I did. No regrets.

  2. Maybe you were away from home a little too much..but at least your family could travel with you until they'd had enough!

    1. They didn't travel with me very much, just the one five day session when it was in the Easter holidays.

  3. When I worked in a school for children with special needs I never minded doing anything for the children - but how I hated those endless meetings where the same old things would be repeated and very little was ever decided.

    1. In school meetings were boring but out side the school it was much better. Special needs kids needed special attention. You gave it to them.

  4. I always enjoyed school field trips! Great memories.
    Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

    1. I think most students would agree with you.

  5. Perhaps I missed it at some point but how did you get the nickname of Red with such a thick mop of black hair?

  6. I think that was common in many families, Red. I know when my kids were young, their Dad had lots of things that took him out of the house and I was the main person who raised the kids but I liked it that way.
    Now my married sons are much more involved in being home with their kids and sharing kid duties with their wives. I think it's great.
    Different times!

    1. Today most women work out of the home so Dads have to pitch in.

  7. You were certainly a very engaged teacher, Red. I love to read about all you did back then. Thanks for the stories! :-)

    1. I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat.

  8. At the time, though, it was simply...normal. My dad spent very little time at home when I was young.

    1. Today most women work out of the home so there is much more that has to be shared.

  9. Replies
    1. To find things satisfying you have to be involved.

  10. Sometimes work takes a toll on people and the time they spend with family. My dad worked nights so I hardly ever saw him.

    1. My neighbors ae both shift workers. They have no complaints.

  11. It really is so interesting how much traveling you did for your job. I've never thought about the kind of jobs that require travel and how much time is spent away from home and family. (NewRobin13)

    1. I think field trips with kids was well worth it.

  12. I wouldn't have thought a teacher would do any travel. I think it's quite nice your kids got to join you when they were young.

    1. They came once a year for a 5 day conference during their Easer Holidays.

  13. It's always a bit of a shock when one looks back at their life.

    1. You are surprised at how much went on.

  14. As DJan said, you were a very engaged teacher. I had a varied teaching career. My first 6 years and my last 7 years I was a certified teacher and was also active in our professional association. In between, when I was raising my kids, I worked as a classified aide and ran a remadial program. I was also the classified union president and held other offices after the kids left home.

    1. I found work with the association fascinating. It was interesting to see how things got done.

  15. Nah, you weren't away from home too much. First of all, being a free-range kid was the norm for my generation (poor saps born in the 90s and later missed out!). No tech tethers and cellphone leashes for us! You were home for holidays - 2 weeks at Christmas, a week in spring, all summer etc. You were home most weekends, and evenings, even if you were busy at the kitchen table marking/grading student work. Compared to a lot of youngsters these days with parents who work a lot more hours, you were home a lot. I never felt that you weren't around enough.

    1. That's what I was going to say. Most women work out of the home now so it would be impossible to be away as much as I was.

  16. Wow! You were really, really busy. When I first went back to teaching 1st grade, my son was 7 years old. I thought he'd be OK, especially since he had his 10 year old sister to keep him company. It was a painful shock when I heard him say, "You love your students more than me." Yikes! I was very mindful of this from that day on.

  17. Incidentally, I loved seeing the photos of you in your younger days.

    1. Sometimes I Iook at these photos and find it hard to believe that it's me.

  18. See the last picture Keith! You never said that you were a male model in a teachers' fashion magazine. Also - see the guy in the yellow shirt - you never said that there was a time you got chubby!

  19. I am certain that the time you were at home was quality time, better than many kids got.

  20. Oh my God you had so much to do while you were teacher!
    I can't imagine even as many resposibilties here. No doubt that one can find hardly anytime for kids or family.
    Yet it seems you tried to fill this gap appropriately as you have caring children.
    Your closeness to them reveals your effort in past.
    Our father tried to make us visit with him different places and enjoy picnics despite mother was against it due to restricted environment for girls in village. I appreciate his efforts.
