Friday, July 26, 2024


      Some of you may know that I live in Alberta, Canada.

      Some of you may know that we have a beautiful Jasper National Park in the Canadian Rockies. I live 296 km or 184 miles from the park. 

     And to connect the third dot, some of you may have heard of the huge wildfire in the Park. 

    The fire started sometime on the week end. All residents and visitors of the town of Jasper were evacuated. Jasper has a population of about 11000 and then there would be thousands of visitors. Winds and high temperatures turned the fires into raging infernos. In the mountain valleys the fires tend to race to the bottom. Wednesday the fire entered the townsite of Jasper. About a third of the town was destroyed. 

     Last night they had some rain and much lower temperatures so were able to control much of the fire. 

     It is extremely dry in western Canada so plants and trees burn easily and rapidly.

    Yesterday morning there was white ash over all my plants and the whole yard. 

    This situation has dominated our news this week. These are terrible fires.

    I live in an urban area beside a forested ravine about 700 meters across. I am worried that a fire could start in the woods some day and it could easily burn through my neighborhood. I've aske our fire department what they are doing about the situation. They have one quad with some water barrels. I do not feel safe at all. 


  1. You have my heart felt sympthy. So scary. Here in SE Washington it feels like everything is on fire and you can see the smoke drifting through our streets.Fortunately this year none have come close to our town but one is right on the border of a town 15 miles to the south. Keeping you in my prayers.

    1. The fires these days are very unpredictable. As I said the Jasper fire is about 5 hours away and what we face as a city is like many other cities.

  2. You are wise to be concerned. Maybe talk to your municipal leaders? With all the wildfires across Canada, municipalities need to be taking these risks seriously and have a plan to keep neighbourhoods safe. Good luck, Red.

  3. Your location, current conditions and the equipment the fire department has is definitely a worrisome situation! Even more so these days with the heat and lack of rain. Having the ash over your plants and yard just hits to close to home!

    I can't help but watch all the news about Jasper! I visit Jasper National Park every summer for hiking. This August's trip will not be happening!

    1. Cities have many trees in the subdivisions , along with old wood fences and houses with wood siding. All these things burn very easily.

  4. It is so concerning. I hadn't realized that your region could also be in danger.

    1. Many cities are in the same situation. We have urban forests and along with old wooden fences and wood siding things would burn easily.

  5. Hello,
    Yes, I have heard of the fires there and some other places.
    I am glad the rain helped to control the fire. Prayers for the town and anyone near the fire. Take care, have a great weekend.

  6. The Jasper area is beautiful. It is heart-breaking to see this news. I can understand your concern, Red.

    1. The area will recover but the people who lost may have a difficult time.

  7. Your fire department wouldn't fill me with confidence either. Luckily most of our woodland does not burn, but there are coniferous plantations which I presume could catch fire after a dry period.

    1. Most of our forests are conifers. They burn easily. To light campfires we used to find a branch that was off the tree and it burned just lake gas. Some aboriginals called it gas.

  8. Oh goodness Mr. Red! Please have a fast evacuation plan. Even Kansas is supposed to get some smoke from the Canadian fires. Linda in Kansas

    1. Fire in my city is a long shot but it definitely is a possibility.

  9. I am so sorry, Red! I've been thinking about this. It is horrific.
    Are your firefighters volunteers, as our are?

    1. We have professional paid firefighters. My two neighbors are firefighters and para medics.

  10. It is so sad to read about these fires and how quickly they spread. Hope you stay safe, Red.

    1. When you see these fires, it's unbelievable how wild they are.

  11. Red, I’ve been watching the fires in Alberta carefully and have often thought of you and wondered how you are doing with the smoke. What has happened in Jasper is truly a disaster. I’ll be thinking about you and hope you stay safe. John

    1. The smoke was only bad for 2 or 3 days. Now the fire is under control.

  12. Ugh, so awful. I'm happy to hear you got rain to help out.

    1. These fires are enormous. Temperatures are very high.

  13. You are right to be concerned. Fires are not what they used to be, with climate change and many environments becoming drier and warmer.

    1. I'm afraid many people drift along with no concern.

  14. Even here in suburban Seattle, in sight of the airport, I imagine a brush fire starting along the freeway below us and spreading rapidly up hill. Fire season is getting worse every year.

    1. Fire does many different things. Yes, it can go up hill rapidly.

  15. I've read about this fire and it is devastating. The plan for your neighborhood does not sound very good. Stay safe!

    1. The fire was extremely devastating. What I was trying to say is that these days urban zones could very easily burn. I am in no danger now.

  16. There have been so many fires this year. I do not like the plan for your neighborhood. Keep abreast of your fire news.

    1. Our city does not really have a plan. They need to get thinking.

  17. Reduce the flammable plants and trees from around your house and put on a steel roof, dawn dish soap in a applicator sprayer on your hose added to a spray of water acts as a great surficant to keep the water wet. We used it at the Fire Dept. It makes a difference.

    1. Good ideas. Any bugs on plants with the soap.

  18. We finally heard from our friend who lives in Jasper today, his house was burned down but he's fine. He has a wonderful attitude, it's just a house, he still has family, friends and love. He'll rebuild.

    1. Some people can be philosophical about things and get by. It is a loss and it does hurt.

  19. I have been to Jasper and the National Park several times - it is so beautiful (expect the inhabitants get tired of tourists) and to see it as it is now is heartbreaking. Thinking of you all up there in such a beautiful area so prone to wildfireslnnSStay safe.

    1. The town can be rebuilt but I hope they keep the mood. Tree will come back if the soil is not burned.

  20. I am keeping my fingers crossed for the fire to be contained. It's a terrible fire season in both of our countries.

  21. Fortunately they got some rain and lower temperatures.

  22. This is worrying for sure that fire department has no satisfactory answer to your question
    I feel sad and bad about the residents of the Park that caught fire
    I had no clue grass or dense greenery can turn into threat someday
    Thinking of you with heart full of prays and best wishes
