Wednesday, August 21, 2024


        I woke up 3 or 4 times last night and a couple of times I noticed a different smell. It was  pleasant smell but I couldn't identify it.

      When I got up this morning and my head cleared up, I thought about the smell. Then it hit me! I was smelling fresh air with no smoke. So all summer we've had smoke from the fires. It's a long time since we didn't have smoke. 

     We still have many fires but no big ones. Fall is a fire season so it won't be long until there's more smoke.

    You don't realize what the smoke is doing to you. I'm outside most of the time. I don't think you beat the smoke by staying in the house with doors and windows closed.

    The people in Jasper were allowed back in the town 2 or 3 days ago. The ones who lost everything had a look at the damage and then there's nothing more they can do until insurance is settled. The other people have lots of cleaning to do. Deep freezes and fridges have t be thrown away as the power was off. The caretakers were working in the school for the summer. They had windows open and had to leave quickly so the windows were left open so the school is a mess. The kids may be bussed to Hinton for a while.

    So that's enough on fire for a while. 


  1. How sad, all those bad results from the fires. Inhale deeply on these smoke-free days.

    1. Fortunately a healthy person's lungs will clear up once the smoke is gone. People with health problems may not be so lucky.

  2. Gees, Red, that sounds pretty awful. When your fires were at their worst last fall, we could smell the smoke clear down here in Northwestern Pennsylvania. I can't imagine being right in the thick of it. We had some pretty dramatic sunsets from all the ash in the atmosphere as well.

    1. Most of the smoke is higher up. This year we've had only 20% burn compared to last year.

  3. Except for light smoke a couple of days we have escaped wild fire smoke so far this summer. Now we have had rain and the danger is down, but we still have September to get through.
    The damage and destruction in towns hit by fire is heartbreaking.

    1. We never used to hear of whole towns burning.

  4. You remind me of a friend of mine who took his class from a school in the industrial town of Middlesbrough up onto the North Yorks Moors for a field trip. One of the children complained to him that "the air smells funny up here!"

    1. If you work with kids you get many of those innocent comments that are funny.

  5. One wonders what that smoke from far away does to one's breathing tubes and lungs. Can't be good for anyone.

    1. If you're healthy and the air clears , your lungs clean up. If you're unhealthy there could be problems. I quite smoking at age 26 and my lungs recovered.

  6. We even had a couple of hazy days this week in K.C. The weatherman said it was smoke from the fires, but didn't tell us which ones. Down here, we just think Canada is one big place. My asthma doc said we poopy-lung people cough more because of the smoke. Hope Jasper can rebuild okay. Stay safe yourself! Linda in Kansas

    1. I should use maps in some of my posts. For sure it will harm people with health problems.

  7. I am savouring these smoke free days! It seemed inside my home was smelling of smoke so all my windows are now wide open letting in all that fresh air! Thoughts and prayers to all the Jasperites!

    1. It must be terrible to return to your home and find it completely destroyed.

  8. Sorry for this terrible misfortune. Glad you will have some weeks of clean air!

  9. Interesting that the absence of smoke was something you can smell!

    1. It really emphasized how bad it's been.

  10. Every summer now, fires leave communities devastated in this country. I cannot even imagine what the solution is…

    1. The solution is big and long. Climate change has to be reversed.

  11. I'm glad you are getting some fresh air again with no smoke. I wonder if I would have the strength to rebuild if I lived in Jasper or if I would want to get far away. What a mess to clean up.

    1. The fresh air didn't last long. Most of these people have no other option but to rebuild. They can't take insurance money and run. They have to build to collect insurance.

  12. I am sure that you are glad of the reprieve.

  13. It never occurred to me that there would be a fire season there. We have one here in California as well. The smoky air can last for such a long time. It's good to know you are getting some fresh air again. Take care there. (NewRobin13)

    1. Spring and fall are or used to be fire seasons.

  14. Thank goodness for fresh air! I feel terrible for those who lost homes, how devastating :(

    1. They really only have one option and that's to rebuild. They only collect insurance if they rebuild.

  15. It's even caused red skies over here.

  16. We haven't had any big fires this year do to the almost constant raining which is going on right now as I type. Glad the smoke has stopped and now fresh air is back.

    1. We are extremely dry so fires start and burn easily and it's harder to put them out.

  17. We have wildfire smoke now, it is aloft but we can still smell it when we go outside. Years ago when we had proper forest management we didn't have these awful forest fires.

    1. Smoke has been higher up here so that's a break.

  18. I can't imagine going an entire summer smelling smoke. I can't imagine what that might be doing to your lungs!

    1. For healthy people their lungs will recuperate. People with respiratory problems get worse.

  19. When we have fires, I get used to the smell but I am always disquieted by the red skies.
    I hope your next fire season is late and mild

  20. I am glad the air is cleared of the smoke, the fresh air must be a relief.
    I feel for all those who have lost their homes. Take care, have a great weekend.

  21. Good to know the fires have been contained(?) Our sense always tell us something and at first we don't know what they are saying until it dawns on us, like no smoke!

  22. Quite sobering to realize the smoke became so ever-present that it was unusual to breathe clean air. I would not do well in the smoke; it is a trigger for my asthma.

  23. Sounds very sad
    Leaving home and town is not easy indeed the whole life is disturbed.
    Still good you are able to smell fresh smokeless air
